Freelancer: ciprilisticus
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My design

My idea is based on the traditional maori colors (black and red) and dark blue to describe the background of New Zealand with its maori history and collonial rule. It brings together the colors approved by the british rule but also by the maori chiefs used for the first new zealand flag. The blue triangle shape with the five stars describes the british rule mixing with the native elements of maori people, so the flag would represent those with maori background but also those with british background. Also the widening of the blue triangle is a symbol for the bright future of New Zealand giving the idea of need for future development, for greater accomplishments. I would also point out the need to keep the stars as they have become a symbol of new zealand at least for us outsiders, and it also makes one think to the point of the discovery of new zealand by europeans which might be a bad thing for many maori people but it is an important moment which shaped the country as it is today.

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