Freelancer: onneti2013
Girdiyi Rapor Et


Hello friend, this is the workflow, as requested created a fully mascot in 3D in a few hours sending the final design with the Bouncy House

%contest_contestName_sub_1% için %entry_number_sub_2% numaralı Yarışma Girdisi

Genel Açıklama Panosu

  • youngrsl
    Yarışma Sahibi
    • 8 yıl önce

    i like what i see, but can you try them in different colors. blue, red and yellow so i can see how they look.

    • 8 yıl önce
    1. onneti2013
      • 8 yıl önce

      Yes, I can friend in a few minutes sending a new project in these colors, I am also modeling the Bounce house to the scene

      • 8 yıl önce