Freelancer: fusionxpace
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naturally me | what else ?

This brand intends to reach out to women with initiative, determination and who lead their professional and personal lives with ambition. It depicts a selfish perspective but also very positive of who takes care of himself and takes pride in its image. This designation is also an inspiration and aspiration for women seeking that self-esteem and this life force. Associated with the brand name naturally am I a tagline irreverent but very feminine "what else?". This tagline more than being informative is intended as a form of direct communication with women challenging them to be more feminine, to be them. Intended not to go to a specific dialect that only with a prior explanation or subtitles can be understood becoming often mute. Intended a broader language and that can be a point of strong communication of an ambitious and irreverent brand. The brand "naturally me"may be accompanied in the future with other tagline that can continue to feed the communication with the woman.

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