Freelancer: marquezrocks78
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Logo proposal - 4 items

Hello... I started sketching my ideas and thinking about simple options for your logo, and I came up with 4 items, as follows (from top to bottom): 1 and 2, featuring just typography and using the two "o's" from the word "Bamboo" as the eyes of the panda, with the difference in the word "Masters" (one resembles the texture of bamboo, the other not). Option 3 features a cute version of the panda eating bamboo, with your company's name at the bottom. Option 4 features the same panda but contained in a circle... I was aiming for the look and feel of a badge or an icon. Please notice that I tried to show you both positive and negative views of each logo, but I discovered by accident that any of them seems to work on negative, except number four which looks pretty good in my humble opinion. Please let me know your impressions. Thank you very much!

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