Genel Açıklama Panosu

  • davidrayjr
    Yarışma Sahibi
    • 10 yıl önce

    Hard to tell what phone number is what with those symbols but I like it

    • 10 yıl önce
    1. sashadesigns
      • 10 yıl önce

      first two are phone numbers and the third is mobile...if you want, I can make it a little simpler but easier to see...

      • 10 yıl önce
    2. davidrayjr
      Yarışma Sahibi
      • 10 yıl önce

      Please. Mobile is 847-343-9898, Fax is 847-852-1401, Main is 847-852-1400

      • 10 yıl önce