Freelancer: Priyanshu460
Girdiyi Rapor Et

bg for green screen

u can put this on your green screen and it will be a in a perfect loop if u put it again after the cliip ends.

Genel Açıklama Panosu

  • thaddeusb
    Yarışma Sahibi
    • 2 yıl önce

    This has potential. The color scheme should be a little darker to maximize your chances. Also, please confirm that this is your original work and something you downloaded from a stock image service.

    • 2 yıl önce
    1. Priyanshu460
      • 2 yıl önce

      Ok I'll do it again and yes this is my creation i used some free to use images to make this. So it wont pose a problem for yt.

      • 2 yıl önce
  • thaddeusb
    Yarışma Sahibi
    • 2 yıl önce

    Great, incorporating free images is fine.

    • 2 yıl önce