Digital Clay Audio Generator

  • Durum: Closed
  • Ödül: $190
  • Alınan Girdiler: 4
  • Kazanan: obervic

Yarışma Özeti

I am looking for someone to design an affordable, physical 2D position sensor array. My application is unique: creation of DIGITAL SOUNDS from a physical sensor array.

The idea for this contest is very similar to HAIHONG ZHU's Georgia Tech project. They created a 2D electromechanichal array that uses linear voltage displacement transducers that the user can actually shape by hand.

The project can be seen on the GaTech website: :

"The idea and concept of Digital Clay, at the current technology stage, is to construct and control a massive hydraulic actuator array to:

Provide a 3D/2.5D tangible surface actuated under the control of a computer
Respond to pressure in a haptic/semi-haptic fashion
Provide a bi-directional interaction means between a user and a computer, i.e.,
The user shapes the surface; the computer acquires the surface shape
The computer commands the surface shape; the user sees and/or feels the shape and the virtual material properties

In reality, the Digital Clay is similar to a powered version of a toy named as "Pin Art" ....."
Please see attachments for details. My previous projects ffrom are provided for reference in the .ppt slides.

Aranan Beceriler

İşveren Geribildirimi

“Obervic was the only credible entry for my project/contest out of the millions of freelancers. The project was very technical and academic, and he was the only entrant to take the challenge and put real thought and effort into it. If you have a complex electro-mechanical computer design problem, I would invite him to bid on your project.”

Profil Görüntüsü purdueualum, United States.

Genel Açıklama Panosu

  • purdueualum
    Yarışma Sahibi
    • 11 yıl önce

    obervic, i downloaded the .doc file but could not view the sketches inside the document, can you please send these as separate .jpg files?

    • 11 yıl önce
  • zdravkogeorgdim
    • 11 yıl önce

    If I got it right $190 is ridiculously small amount for a CONTEST on such topic. The required knowledge and even tools are really high-level. I think you should add at least one zero more, otherwise nobody will take it seriously.

    • 11 yıl önce
    1. purdueualum
      Yarışma Sahibi
      • 11 yıl önce

      Hello Zdrav,
      Thank you for your inquiry. I agree with you, I may end up reposting this contest for more money. You are one of only 2 bidders to reply! I do not require you to build a physical model, but I would require a proposal where you would explain in detail how you plan on accomplishing this task. Do you have experience with position sensors and LVDT's? It is very academic and open-ended.
      I have included drawings in the contest materials, please see the attached files. I would be willing to accept a concept of the hardware and software design. I realize you cannot make a physical prototype for this amount of money. Please take a look at the sketches and pictures in the thesis document that I posted and let me know if you have any more questions. I look forward to your reply. Rocco

      • 11 yıl önce
  • xmax7286271
    • 11 yıl önce

    you need a 3d model or real one?please draw a simple painting from what you want.

    • 11 yıl önce
    1. purdueualum
      Yarışma Sahibi
      • 11 yıl önce

      Hello Xmax, Thank you for your inquiry. I have included drawings in the contest materials, please see the attached files. I would be willing to accept a concept of the hardware and software design. I realize you cannot make a physical prototype for this amount of money. Please take a look at the sketches and pictures in the thesis document that I posted and let me know if you have any more questions. I look forward to your reply. Rocco

      • 11 yıl önce

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