Illustrations of Toyota Tundra Seats

  • Durum: Closed
  • Ödül: $35
  • Alınan Girdiler: 6
  • Kazanan: Viango Studios

Yarışma Özeti is an online store for custom seat covers for the Toyota Tundra truck. I need some illustrations of the different seat options to indicate the insert sections and the trim. I am currently using a couple of general and basic illustrations on the site (

Aranan Beceriler

İşveren Geribildirimi

“@viango won the contest on 28 April 2014”

Profil Görüntüsü sckavy, United States.

Genel Açıklama Panosu

  • sckavy
    Yarışma Sahibi
    • 10 yıl önce

    The winner of this contest, I will hire to do the rest of the seat styles.

    • 10 yıl önce
  • sckavy
    Yarışma Sahibi
    • 10 yıl önce

    It is difficult to get a nice picture of the actual seats with the covers on. I'm looking for something like this:

    • 10 yıl önce
  • OneArmBoxer
    • 10 yıl önce

    can you please give any idea or we should start the work as in your website

    • 10 yıl önce

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