Make a mascot of my puppy’s head

  • Durum: Closed
  • Ödül: $15
  • Alınan Girdiler: 3
  • Kazanan: ruthyvette051

Yarışma Özeti

I’m imagining a head shot drawing, in shades of grey (black and white included) of my pup’s head. It’s very hairy and her head looks like a ball of fur.
You can see many pictures of her on her Facebook page, and this is one of her best latest headshot

She must look happy and cute, for example I like this style ( but feel free to propose something different if you’re inspired, I’m impatient and curious to see what you come up with.

I need a big enough png file to print in good quality, for example on a t-shirt. If you win, you will accept a few modificationsin cad I feel like they are needed and you will also provide a vector pdf and photoshop files of the final design.

Thanks and I’m looking forward to receiving your designs.

PS I’m not a business, this is just a personal whim for fun

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  • fairyjo
    Yarışma Sahibi
    • 6 yıl önce

    I'm so very grateful to all of you who understood my request and posted wonderful drawings. I have made my choice and I'm very happy with the result.

    • 6 yıl önce
  • fairyjo
    Yarışma Sahibi
    • 6 yıl önce

    I really wanted to sincerely thank you all for your drawings. Some of them are really amazing.

    • 6 yıl önce
  • EdgarxTrejo
    • 6 yıl önce


    • 6 yıl önce
  • plscanwebefriend
    • 6 yıl önce

    plz check #8..

    • 6 yıl önce
  • EdgarxTrejo
    • 6 yıl önce

    check #5

    • 6 yıl önce

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