Freelancer: only4logo
Girdiyi Rapor Et


Hello Blackorwhite01, as per your last comment i have changed background color and logo but i diidn't find your 4 heading in your live site so i have used lorem ipsum text. do you give me name of all headings? so i can replace with all... Thanks Only4logo

%contest_contestName_sub_1% için %entry_number_sub_2% numaralı Yarışma Girdisi

Genel Açıklama Panosu

  • blackorwhite01
    Yarışma Sahibi
    • 9 yıl önce

    It's the same as in the menu. Erdarbeiten, Steinschlichtungen, Gartengestalltung and Leihfahrzeuge.

    • 9 yıl önce