Freelancer: satishandsurabhi
Girdiyi Rapor Et

Website Mockup

Hi, Can you please give me feedback for the design, so that we can improve it as per your expectations ? Thanks!

%contest_contestName_sub_1% için %entry_number_sub_2% numaralı Yarışma Girdisi

Genel Açıklama Panosu

  • ahmed5000hazem
    • 5 yıl önce

    it is very great

    • 5 yıl önce
    1. satishandsurabhi
      • 5 yıl önce


      • 5 yıl önce
  • Warrior91
    Yarışma Sahibi
    • 5 yıl önce

    The banner should give a cardboard feel or look you can say like in Entry # 10..
    There is no about us
    How it works section is different
    Latest Websites section should look like a blog post.
    Creativity 3/10

    • 5 yıl önce
    1. satishandsurabhi
      • 5 yıl önce

      Thanks for star rating and comments. We will update the design as per the suggestions and will update you soon today.

      • 5 yıl önce