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    5,000 certified public accountant iş bulundu

    Express Kargo teklif apisi ile Woocommerce websiteme kargo fiyatlarını çekmek istiyorum. Aşağıda bir api bilgileri mevcut: Express teklif api için elimde token mevcut. Woocommerce sepet bölümünde ürünün kargo maliyeti api ile çekilecek.

    €197 Average bid
    €197 Ortalama Teklif
    27 teklifler

    I am looking for a translator who can translate Turkish to Russian. I do not require a certified translator for this project. The content that needs to be translated includes chemical raw materials and products. The volume of the content is in texts and online translations. Skills and experience required: - Fluent in Turkish and Russian - Experience in translating technical documents related to chemical industry - Proficient in online translation tools and software.

    €48 / hr Average bid
    €48 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    4 teklifler

    ...kullanıcıların workspaceleri olabilecek ve üye olan veya olmayan diğer kullanıcıları davet edebilecektir. Ücretli ve ücretsiz planlar olacaktır ve bu planlar admin panelinden kontrol edilecektir. Kullanıcılar proje oluşturabilir. Kullanıcılar soru oluşturabilir. Soruları projenin içerisine taşıyabilir. Her sorunun bir şablonu olacaktır. Kullanıcılar oluşturdukları soruları public veya private olarak seçebilmelidir. Public olan sorular aynı workspace'te oldukları diğer kullanıcılar tarafından gözükebilir. Diğer kullanıcılara read write yetkisi verilebilmelidir. ücretlendirme soru içeriğine göre değişen kredilendirme yapısına sahip olacaktır. çoklu dil desteğine sahip olup arayüzler parametrik değişece...

    €499 Average bid
    €499 Ortalama Teklif
    10 teklifler

    ONLY Turkish Speaking pls... linux, c panel, SSL yüklü hosting.. yüklenecek sitelere ait dosyaları public html içine zipli attım... 1- yönlendirme hatası veriyor düzeltilecek 2- gereksiz dosya varsa silinecek, 3- şeklinde 5 adet alan yaratılacak 4- : kullanılmamış hazır bir script var bu yüklenecek, sql eğer script dosyasında yok ise bendede yok, ona göre sql gerekiyorsa eklenecek 5- : sql olmayan yarınm kalmış bir işin dosyalarını yükleyip Html olarak gösterecek 6- : eski bir sitenin dosya ve sql var, bu sitede kurulacak 7- ve 5 boş kalacak, yüklenmeye hazır olacak, nasıl yapılacağı videoya çekilip bana gösterilecek robot dosyaları konacak, sql ve diğer yaratılan şifreler bana iletilecek, işin tamamı y...

    €69 Average bid
    €69 Ortalama Teklif
    7 teklifler

    pasaport başvurusu için resmi mütercim tercüman imzalı adli sicil kaydı çevirisi

    €9 Average bid
    €9 Ortalama Teklif
    19 teklifler

    ...specialisation, location and can take appointment Can look for available time slots. Private Consultations with doctors. Look for daily Health Tips by various doctors. Ask Public Questions. Get daily updates of various Events & News. Set Reminder for new appointments , medicines and so on.. Also can give Rating to doctor , hospital and write feedback. Medicine reminders Scribble Pad, Documents Upload *Doctor Accept Appointment requests. Manage Timeslots. Manage Profile. Manage Patient’s Profile. Private Consultations with patients. Can go for Home visit. Post daily Health Tips which is useful to all users. Answer to Public Questions ask by various patient. Post Events details. *Hospital -Clinic Accept Appointments and assign Doctor. Manage Timeslots and Price...

    €1636 Average bid
    €1636 Ortalama Teklif
    23 teklifler

    Access veritabanına vb form ile oluşturduğum irsaliyeleri kaydediyorum. Logo Netsis firmasının apileri ile bunu e-irsaliye olarak göndermek istiyorum. Api dokümanları incelenmek istenirse üzerinden kontrol edilebilir. Yani tek formu karşıya request ile gönderip, gönderdiğim dokümanı çıktı olarak almak istiyorum. Yardımcı olursanız sevinirim.

    €54 Average bid
    €54 Ortalama Teklif
    6 teklifler

    ...specialisation, location and can take appointment Can look for available time slots. Private Consultations with doctors. Look for daily Health Tips by various doctors. Ask Public Questions. Get daily updates of various Events & News. Set Reminder for new appointments , medicines and so on.. Also can give Rating to doctor , hospital and write feedback. Medicine reminders Scribble Pad, Documents Upload *Doctor Accept Appointment requests. Manage Timeslots. Manage Profile. Manage Patient’s Profile. Private Consultations with patients. Can go for Home visit. Post daily Health Tips which is useful to all users. Answer to Public Questions ask by various patient. Post Events details. *Hospital -Clinic Accept Appointments and assign Doctor. Manage Timeslots and Price...

    €1812 Average bid
    €1812 Ortalama Teklif
    11 teklifler

    Merhaba. El çizimleri şeklinde bir deftere çizdiğim çizgi roman projemin çizilmesi için p...çalışmak istiyorum. Benim çizimlerim bayağı amatör olup gerekirse her kareyi ayrı ayrı konuşarak detaylandırabiliriz. Yaklaşık 100 sayfa ve 700 kare civarında çizim ve boyama işi var. Balonlama bana ait olacak ve bu sebeple dijital ortamda çizilip edit yapabileceğim bir formatta hazırlanması gerekmektedir. Bu iş için henüz bir atölyem veya ofisim olmadığı için görüşmelerimizi cafe, kütüphane gibi public mekanlarda yapabiliriz. Dilerseniz kendi evimde veya sizin ofisinizde de yürütebiliriz. Proje hakları bana ait olduğu için gizlilik hususnda profesyonel bir tutum iz...

    €215 Average bid
    €215 Ortalama Teklif
    5 teklifler

    Question: How do these films relate to critical urban theory? (address concerns of urbanization, dissolution of the public space, the right to the city, how immigrants survive in London’s informal economies, and etc) *Beautiful People (Jasmin Dizdar, 1999) *The Last Resort (Pavel Pawlikowski, 2000) *In This World (Michael Winterbottom, 2002) *Dirty Pretty Things (Stephen Frears, 2002) *It’s a Free World (Ken Loach, 2007) *Ghosts (Nick Brumfield, 2006) Ekte ki slayt içerisinde yazılması gereken konu anlatılıyor.Üstte ki filmlerden bir tanesini seçip, o film ve slaytlarda anlatılan konu ile ilgili 1000 kelimelik ingilizce essay yazılacak. En az 5 farklı kaynaktan yararlanmak gerekmektedir. En az üç akademik kaynak kullanılması gerekmektedi...

    €31 Average bid
    €31 Ortalama Teklif
    2 teklifler

    Heyecan verici büyüme, büyük bir uluslararası şirketler grubuna hizmet veren bir dizi entegre uygulama ile kendilerini karmaşık bir organi...meslektaşlarına danışmanlık yaparak ve akranlarıyla bilgi paylaşımı yoluyla mükemmeliyet kültürünü teşvik etmek. Bu rolde başarılı olmak için ihtiyacınız olacak: Bir Salesforce geliştiricisi olarak en az iki yıllık deneyim; Apex, Visualforce ve Salesforce dağıtım araçları ile kanıtlanabilir deneyim; ve SFSC uygulamaları oluşturma deneyimini yaşayın. İstenen beceri ve deneyim şunları içerir: Salesforce Certified Developer I, II veya DEV 501; Salesforce Sertifikalı Yönetici (ADM 201); ve Çözüm mimarisi deneyimi ve çoklu kiralamayla çalışmak Bu...

    €8236 Average bid
    €8236 Ortalama Teklif
    2 teklifler

    Promedia Halkla İlişkiler - PR - Public Relations olarak çalıştığımız müşterimizin basın bültenlerinin çevirileri için yetkin bilgiye sahib tercumana ihtiyacımız bulunmaktadır en kısa zamanda dönüt alabilirsem çok sevinirim iyi çalışmalar.

    €959 Average bid
    €959 Ortalama Teklif
    3 teklifler

    Sistem yazılımlarının güvenlik test ve denetimleri yapılacaktır. Yapılacak testler, sadece sunucular üzerinde çalışan servislerin araştırılmasından oluşmayacak, kullanılan veri tabanı ve geliştirilecek UYGULAMA’ya has güvenlik açıkları da araştırılacaktır. Test ve denetlemeleri yapacak kişi, en az Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) sertifikasına sahip bilgi güvenliği uzmanı olmalıdır. Belirtilen güvenlik test ve denetimleri garanti süresince 6 aylık dönemler itibariyle 4(dört) defa yaparak sonuçları sunacaktır. Bu kapsamda yapılacak denetlemeler aşağıda detaylı olarak açıklanmıştır. • Veri Denetimi o Girdi denetimi o Çıktı denetimi o Değiştirilen içeriğin tespiti o H...

    €2418 Average bid
    €2418 Ortalama Teklif
    3 teklifler

    I'm looking for a professional Wikipedia page creator for my company. The main goal of this project is to enhance our public image and credibility through a well-crafted, neutral and informative Wikipedia page. Ideally, you should have: - Proven experience with creating Wikipedia pages - In-depth understanding of Wikipedia's guidelines and standards - Excellent writing and editing skills - Ability to present information in a neutral and objective manner - Skills in sourcing and citing reliable references Freelancers with a background in PR or corporate communications would be particularly well-suited for this task. Please provide samples of previous Wikipedia pages you've created or contributed to.

    €77 Average bid
    €77 Ortalama Teklif
    1 teklifler

    Hi, I have over 300+ Leads of Accounting Clients in Canada. I get response from these Leads but the client wants to have an Accountant/Bookkeeper located in Canada. Therefore, I am looking for Canadian (Must) Accountant/Bookkeeper to become my partner. Whereas I am located in Pakistan. Key Responsibilities: 1) Answer client queries before and after provision of services. 2) Collect and send documents from/to client by post or in person where hard copies need to be exchanged. 3) Follow up client for payment. 4) Help in legal compliance, efiling of tax returns etc. 5) Assist me in service pricing through your knowledge of local market. Pay Structure: 30% of invoice value: Legal agreement will be formally drawn defining responsibilities and other terms. Kindly note that...

    €11 / hr Average bid
    €11 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    4 teklifler
    Trophy icon Modern Logo Design for CA Firm
    2 gün left

    I am looking for a modern logo for my chartered accountant firm DVM & Co. LLP. The logo should incorporate the name 'DVMC' in a stylish and professional manner. Key Requirements: - The logo should be designed in a modern style. - No additional elements are to be included in the logo apart from the name 'DVMC'. - Minimalism is key; the design should be clean and uncluttered. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven graphic design experience, particularly in logo design. - A strong portfolio demonstrating modern and minimalistic designs. - Excellent understanding of typography. - Ability to deliver high-quality designs in a timely manner.

    €5 Average bid
    27 girdi

    I am in need of a seasoned professional who can handle my financial affairs. This includes managing my bank account, following up with regulatory filings in India, and assisting with the transition to a new Chartered Accountant (CA) without requiring my personal involvement. Responsibilities: - Bank Account Management: Oversee my bank account, ensuring all transactions are in order and any issues are promptly addressed. - Regulatory Follow-ups: Regularly check the status of necessary filings, ensuring everything is submitted on time and following up on any outstanding items. Requirements: - Proficient with Tax Filings, Annual Returns, and Compliance Reports: You will be handling a variety of tax-related filings, annual returns, and compliance reports. Your understanding of these ...

    €15 Average bid
    €15 Ortalama Teklif
    6 teklifler

    I'm seeking a skilled video editor to help create a promotional video targeting the general public. The final product should be approximately 3 minutes in length.

    €4 / hr Average bid
    €4 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    11 teklifler

    I'm seeking a skilled content writer for my disabled travel website. The primary focus will be creating informative accessibility posts, ie articles about the best places to visit as a disabled/accessibly challenged user, helpful information about catching public transport, air travel, car travel, booking accommodation, going on activity holidays that suits the users ability, also some articles on equipment that is required for some users to travel on holidays and everyday life. Monetisation will be in the form of affiliate for equipment and booking links for travel. The site is 17 years old and needs a revamp of the existing content, and creation of new content for the disabled community. Only looking for really helpful articles that our users will love. No Ai, and this will ...

    €16 / hr Average bid
    €16 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    30 teklifler
    Data Analyst Required
    6 gün left

    Data analyst - ongoing role: We are looking for a data analyst to assist with our dev projects on an ongoing basis. We are running on azure, 365 Teams, azure SQL, azure functions, azure bot service. Python, SQL and azure knowledge + experience is essential Projects pipeline includes: 1. python selenium scrape of multiple client portals (no public API's available) - function to write back to client portals with input parameters 2. AI agent development (using langflow / pydantic) - RAG agent into sharepoint, industry urls with teams bot front end - Azure SQL agent to review project management azure SQL db and provide user insights into questions (eg what is the status of job xxx) - workflow to review client portals, write to project management rest API and then take required a...

    €25 / hr Average bid
    Gizlilik Anlaşması
    €25 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    17 teklifler

    I'm seeking a freelancer to help conduct a survey focused on customer satisfaction with packaged foods and beverages. The ideal candidate would be someone with experience in market research, particularly in the food and beverage sector. Key Tasks: - Design and implement a survey targeting the general public, not just existing customers. - Analyze the data collected to provide insights into customer satisfaction levels. Skills and Experience Required: - Prior experience in conducting market research and surveys. - Excellent data analysis skills. - Familiarity with the packaged food and beverage industry.

    €21 / hr Average bid
    €21 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    9 teklifler highlight are: - Data Analysis: My experience in interpreting complex data sets and making data-driven decisions. - Project Management: My ability to lead projects from conception to completion. - Requirement Gathering: My expertise in understanding and documenting business needs. - Solution Design: My capability to design effective solutions for business problems. - Agile methodologies - Certified Scrum Product Owner The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong understanding of IT Business Analyst roles, and experience in crafting resumes for senior-level professionals in this field. They should be able to present my skills and experiences in a compelling way that will catch the attention of potential employers. Base the resume off my LinkedIn profile,

    €125 Average bid
    €125 Ortalama Teklif
    10 teklifler

    I suspect fraudulent activity in my orthodontic practice and need a skilled forensic accountant to help investigate. Specific Fraud Activities: - Falsified records: I believe some patient records and billing records may have been tampered with. - Unauthorized transactions: There are potentially unreported cash payments and falsified insurance claims that need to be accounted for. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Extensive experience in forensic accounting and auditing. - Proven track record in uncovering employee fraud. - Experience with dental practice billing and insurance claims - experience or willing to learn a custom dental software (specifically orthodontcics) - Ability to scrutinize patient and billing records. - Prior experience in the dental industry ...

    €240 - €720
    €240 - €720
    0 teklifler

    I'm looking for a skilled writer and English translator to help with creating and translating articles/blog posts. Key Requirements: - Experience in writing articles/blog posts appealing to the general public. - Proficient in English for accurate translation and content adaptation. - Ability to maintain the intended meaning, style, tone, and context of the original content. - SEO knowledge is a plus to help boost the reach of the articles. Please provide samples of your previous work in your proposal.

    €352 Average bid
    €352 Ortalama Teklif
    34 teklifler

    I need a forensic accountant to investigate my dental practice for potential fraud. Your primary focus will be on billing and payment discrepancies, particularly with regard to: - Insurance claims - Unrecorded cash payments - Altered patient billing balances I have full access to all financial records and documents for your review. Ideal candidates should possess: - Extensive experience in forensic accounting - A deep understanding of the dental industry - Proficiency in identifying potential fraud indicators Your expertise will help ensure the integrity of my practice. I'm looking forward to your bid.

    €877 Average bid
    €877 Ortalama Teklif
    19 teklifler

    I'm in need of a professional translator who can translate general correspondence and contracts from English to Amharic and vice versa. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in both English and Amharic - Prior experience in translating general correspondence and contracts - Excellent understanding of contractual language Please note, I do not require certified translations at this stage.

    €344 Average bid
    €344 Ortalama Teklif
    35 teklifler

    I'm looking to respond to a corporate milestone with a press release. This press release is specifically intended to highlight our company's 27th year of leadership in the industry. Key Requirements: - Cra...Craft a compelling narrative that positions the milestone as a significant event within the industry. - Emphasize our company's growth, achievements and influence over the past 27 years. - Convey the message in a way that engages both media and the public. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in writing press releases, particularly in responding to corporate milestones. - A strong understanding of corporate narrative and brand positioning. - Excellent communication skills with a knack for storytelling. - A background in journalism or public ...

    €82 Average bid
    €82 Ortalama Teklif
    21 teklifler

    ...warm and cozy game world. ✔ Has experience designing UI/UX elements for games (preferred but not required). ✔ Understands how to optimize assets for mobile performance. ✔ Loves working on wholesome, heartwarming projects that help people feel better. ⭐️ Credit & Ownership: This is a work-for-hire contract, meaning assets created for the project will be fully owned by us. You will not receive public credit, and the work cannot be used in your portfolio. If this project excites you, please send us: ✅ Your portfolio showcasing relevant 3D character and asset designs. ✅ A short note about why this project interests you. ✅ Your rate expectations (fixed price preferred, but open to hourly rates). ✅ Your estimated timeline for completion. We are looking for someone who is pa...

    €195 Average bid
    €195 Ortalama Teklif
    21 teklifler

    ...interact with deal.) What’s Not Included (Handled by Franchise Dealer & Dealertrack): ❌ In-house financing tools or underwriting (Handled inside Dealertrack, no dealer write access to anything that goes to banks) ❌ CRM or lead management (Handled inside Dealertrack, as business scales a separate CMR / Marketing system may be wise). 2. Core Features & Functionalities A. Use the existing Public Marketing Website Homepage: Overview of services, benefits for dealers, and call-to-action for registration. How It Works: Explains the dealer-to-dealer wholesale process and integration with Dealertrack. FAQ Section: Answers dealer concerns about commissions, licensing, and process. Contact & Support: Inquiry forms and direct support options that tie to ...

    €21 / hr Average bid
    €21 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    80 teklifler

    ...Points & Messaging The video should highlight the following: Plug & Play Solar: No complex installation, no additional connection fees. Energy Independence: Reduce reliance on energy providers. High Efficiency: 3kW to 6kW power output. Bifacial Panels & Storage Solutions: Maximize self-consumption. Cost Savings: Up to 1.984€ annual savings. Short Payback Period: Amortization in just 4–5 years. Certified & Award-Winning: Meets German regulations and Smarter E Award Winner. Brand Guidelines & Tone Aggressive, strong, and persuasive to push immediate action. Sales-driven but informative, making it easy for viewers to understand product benefits. Professional yet visually appealing, keeping trust and credibility. Video Style & Length Length: 50-60 ...

    €244 Average bid
    €244 Ortalama Teklif
    19 teklifler

    I'm looking for a professional who can convert my Excel data into a user-friendly website for index trading in India. Key Requirements: - The website should provide public access to historical data. - It should enable users to download data files. - Incorporate analysis tools for users to assess the data. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in web development and data handling. - Experience in creating public-facing trading websites. - Ability to design and implement user-friendly interface and analysis tools. At the end of this project, I expect a fully functional, interactive website that can cater to index trading enthusiasts in India.

    €19 / hr Average bid
    Gizlilik Anlaşması
    €19 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    17 teklifler

    ...enamel, with secondary benefits including reducing inflammation and improving pH balance, as well as reducing mouth sores. Additionally, the lozenges should be antibacterial, have a great flavor, and be all-natural. They should also help to improve gum health and neutralize acids. Key Responsibilities: - Work with a contract manufacturing company to create the lozenges at a reasonable price for public sale - Formulate with 8-12 different all-natural ingredients Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in food science, specifically in product formulation - Knowledge of oral health and dental science - Experience working with contract manufacturing companies - Ability to create a product that is both effective and enjoyable to consume Please only apply if you have the re...

    €24 / hr Average bid
    €24 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    4 teklifler

    I want to create a webpage with the functionality bellow: - having a blog functionality ( all blog article have to have the functionality that readers can post comments - moderated ) - having a discussion forum, where members can create topics - blogs and forum topics can be public or members only There should be the following different user levels: - administrator - editor (editor can create own blogs, and can moderate all the comments on their blogs ) - members (members can see the members only blog articles and forum topics) - users ( users can make comments - with their social media account...) - administrators and editors can grant users a member status On the tematic blogs editors can refer/share contents (either their own content or a link referring to another article,...

    €152 Average bid
    €152 Ortalama Teklif
    107 teklifler

    I'm looking for a Wo...ensuring high quality streaming is crucial. Yes, a website that has a preview of all the videos published and when the person buys the monthly subscription they unlock the full videos. is it adult content in public 4k I don't have any specific design but you can see the website to inspire a little. Regarding hosting, I need it to be with no policies against adult content. because I make adult content in public and unknown people appear in the videos. Important point - check with the hosting provider to ensure that adult content is not allowed in public so that strangers appear. As I want to post a lot of long videos in 4k, the site has to be minimally fast at loading the videos. I would like to have the website ready in 1 month ...

    €1074 Average bid
    €1074 Ortalama Teklif
    92 teklifler

    I'm in need of a skilled videographer to create a promotional video aimed at the general public. The primary goal of this video is to educate the audience about my brand and its offerings.

    €167 Average bid
    €167 Ortalama Teklif
    1 teklifler

    I need assistance in enriching a database of medium-sized Spanish companies. The database should include: - Direct e-mails - Telephone numbers - New addresses - Contact persons The companies in the database span several industry sectors, not limited to but including technology, healthcare, and finance. The ideal candi...of medium-sized Spanish companies. The database should include: - Direct e-mails - Telephone numbers - New addresses - Contact persons The companies in the database span several industry sectors, not limited to but including technology, healthcare, and finance. The ideal candidate for this project should have significant experience in data collection and verification from company websites and public directories. Familiarity with medium-sized enterprises in Spain ...

    €107 Average bid
    €107 Ortalama Teklif
    59 teklifler

    I need a CERTIFIED translation of my birth certificate from Spanish to German. If you are not certified or will not provide signature/stamp/or seal, DO NOT BID. Details: - The document is a physical copy, which I will scan and send to you. - The translation requires certification but not notarization. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proven experience in translating legal documents, particularly birth certificates. - Certification in translation from Spanish to German. - Ability to deliver a high-quality, accurate translation. - Time to deliver in 48 hrs Please, only apply if you have the requisite skills and experience. Thank you.

    €23 Average bid
    €23 Ortalama Teklif
    29 teklifler

    I'm in need of a professional translator who can translate an audio file from Polish to German. The audio file is over 60 minutes long and pertains to a court trial. The final translation will be used for media/public release. Requirements: - Proficient in both Polish and German - Experience with legal or court-related content preferred - Capable of providing a high-quality translation suitable for media release Please only apply if you have relevant experience and can deliver a professional-grade translation.

    €134 Average bid
    €134 Ortalama Teklif
    30 teklifler

    I'm seeking a professional with expertise in legally obtaining CCTV and bodycam footage. The purpose of this footage will primarily be for documentaries. Key Responsibilities: - Requesting footage from both public entities and private companies. - Drafting formal requests and negotiating with relevant entities. - Navigating legal procedures to ensure all requests are within legal boundaries. Ideal Skills: - In-depth knowledge of procedures for acquiring CCTV and bodycam recordings. - Strong negotiation and communication skills. - Experience in dealing with private companies and relevant entities. Please reach out if you fit this profile or can recommend someone who can help!

    €231 Average bid
    €231 Ortalama Teklif
    22 teklifler

    I'm seeking a professional for WiFi installation in my HOA. The project involves setting up reliable internet coverage for outdoor areas. Requirements: - Extensive experience in WiFi installation, primarily in public settings. - Proven track record of setting up systems for outdoor coverage. - Ability to assess and ensure optimal coverage across the designated areas.

    €42 / hr Average bid
    €42 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    2 teklifler

    I'm in need of a skilled web scraper to extract economic reports from over 10 public websites on a daily basis. Key Responsibilities: - Python code (using a given structure of scrappers we have in my company) of economic reports from more than 10 public websites - The maintenance of the code will be on us Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web scraping tools and software - Strong attention to detail for data accuracy - Ability to manage and scrape data from multiple websites The goal is to have a reliable delivery of economic data daily. If you have prior experience in web scraping and can provide references or samples of your work, that would be a plus. Looking forward to your proposals.

    €500 Average bid
    €500 Ortalama Teklif
    72 teklifler

    ...The bot must be able to scan pending transactions (mempool analysis) and execute preemptive trades before target transactions, followed by immediate sell transactions. Key Requirements: Solana Blockchain Expertise – Familiarity with Rust, Solana Web3, and Anchor Framework. Mempool Scanning & Analysis – Ability to detect and act on pending transactions in real-time. Since Solana does not have a public mempool like Ethereum, we understand that pending transaction visibility requires a specific node setup. We are exploring different options, such as using Jito-Solana, a custom validator node, or alternative RPC services (QuickNode, Alchemy, Triton, etc.). The developer should have experience with or be able to research the best approach to gaining insight into pendi...

    €2614 Average bid
    €2614 Ortalama Teklif
    17 teklifler

    I'm seeking a creative and professional designer to create an A1 poster aimed at product advertisement and enhancing brand awareness. The poster should be designed to appeal to the general public. Key Requirements: - A1 Size ready for print - Adidas Samba retro poster - 70s/80s theme - Yes you can use AI to assist you - Ive attached some examples so you can get a feel of what we like and this is the actual product.

    €23 Average bid
    46 girdi

    ...PCB must accommodate a reliable battery charging and protection IC, a step-up booster to 5V for operation without a battery, and a momentary push-button. Key Requirements: - Integration with TUYA app for multi-function control - Design for all features: battery charging and protection, step-up booster, and momentary push-button controls - Compliance with safety standards using FCC certified ICs - Use of EMC certified ICs for reliability I have the necessary information from previous PCB editions for this lamp, including cutouts and positions for all terminals. I can also build and test circuits on a breadboard if necessary. The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Extensive experience in PCB design and smart home device integration - A strong understanding of ...

    €18 / hr Average bid
    €18 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    24 teklifler

    We offer a high-commission opportunity for freelancers to sell medicine, supplements, and cosmetics to both public and private sectors. Our unique Win-Win model ensures mutual benefits: ✅ Clients pay 50% upfront on each deal. ✅ The remaining 50% is for buying crude oil or copper scrap from the clients. ✅ Freelancers earn high commissions on every successful transaction from the our company and from the clients too on a contact. Only commission , no salary base Be part of a smart, profitable trade system that benefits all parties! ?

    €528 Average bid
    €528 Ortalama Teklif
    18 teklifler

    I'm looking for a guest post service that can help enhance my brand's visibility to the general public. Key Aspects: - Primary Goal: The main aim of these guest posts is to increase brand awareness. - Audience: The target for these posts is the general public. Posts should be designed to reach and resonate with a wide range of individuals. -Tone and Style: Although I have not specified a tone or style, versatility is key. The ideal freelancer should be able to adapt to various tones and styles as needed. Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in guest posting and brand promotion. - Excellent writing and communication skills. - Ability to tailor content for different audiences. - SEO knowledge will be a plus.

    €39 Average bid
    €39 Ortalama Teklif
    6 teklifler

    I'm seeking a qualified inspector to conduct a structural examination on my residential home. The primary aim of this inspection is to assess the safety of the structure. Urgent request - Must be available for inspection between 11:30am to 12:30pm, 13/02/25. This is...structure. Urgent request - Must be available for inspection between 11:30am to 12:30pm, 13/02/25. This is an in-person inspection based on Perth, Western Australia. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in conducting structural inspections on residential homes - Ability to identify safety concerns and potential repairs - Proficient in creating comprehensive inspection reports - Certified structural inspector Please bid if you can provide a thorough assessment and detailed report on the home'...

    €227 Average bid
    €227 Ortalama Teklif
    23 teklifler

    I'm looking for an experienced financial analyst to assist me with a project. I've started an Excel workbook with some financial numbers for a listed company, but I need help checking my work and incorporating cash flow data from a PDF. Need quick turnaround and urgent - The project requires a detailed breakdown of the financial analysis. - The cash flow statement will need to be updated with information from the PDF. - Knowledge of accounting standards is not necessary for this project. Ideal candidates should have: - Proficient Excel skills - Strong background in finance

    €11 Average bid
    €11 Ortalama Teklif
    15 teklifler

    I'm seeking an energetic and sociable marketing professional to promote my app through physical interaction and advertisement in various public venues in Delhi. The primary focus will be on increasing app registrations. Key Responsibilities: - Engaging with potential users in shopping malls, college campuses, and public parks - Running ads and banners - Handling phone registrations for the app Ideal Skills: - Excellent communication skills - Outgoing and personable - Marketing experience - Comfortable handling phone registrations Your task is to increase our app's visibility and user base through direct interaction and strategic ad placement.

    €52 Average bid
    €52 Ortalama Teklif
    13 teklifler

    About the Role: We are seeking a highly skilled and experienced Python developer to join our team. You will be responsible for designing, developing, and deploying robust and scalable solutions, with a strong emphasis on building AI-powered modules. You'll be tackling complex problems and creating innovative solutions that have a real-world impact. This is a chance to w...experience is highly desirable (e.g., GitHub links, personal website). Bonus Points (Optional, but desirable): Experience with [Specific Cloud Platforms: e.g., AWS, Azure, GCP]. Experience with [Specific Databases: e.g., SQL, NoSQL databases like MongoDB]. Experience with [Specific DevOps Tools: e.g., Docker, Kubernetes]. Contributions to open-source projects. Relevant Certifications (e.g. AWS Certified Ma...

    €592 Average bid
    €592 Ortalama Teklif
    18 teklifler