Downloads status oscommerce status order işler, and monitor key metrics. Company Information: The company can manage start/end work times, meal breaks, hourly wages, monthly salaries (varied for each employee), special day wages, and weekend overtime (companies can choose Saturday, Sunday, or both). Personnel and Supervisor Operations: Personnel Task Assignment: Personnel can view and update their daily tasks in the system. The task status can be changed to "In Transit (Empty)", "Loading", "In Transit (Loaded)", "Unloading". If a delay occurs (traffic, break, meal), personnel can log the reason for the delay, and daily working hours will be recalculated accordingly. After each task, the system asks if the task is complete, and if completed late, overtime will be calculated. Job...
Overview We are looking for an experienced developer to integrate ChatGPT into our OpenCart store. This integration will enhance customer service, generate SEO-friendly product descriptions, provide product recommendations, facilitate order processing and tracking, and support promotions and marketing. The project requires creating a comprehensive module that seamlessly integrates these functionalities. Requirements 1. **Integration of ChatGPT with OpenCart** - Integration of ChatGPT into OpenCart using the OpenAI API. - ChatGPT to generate automatic product descriptions, ensuring these descriptions are SEO-friendly. - Integration with the search button and a chat icon on all pages. 2. **API Integration** - Integration of the ChatGPT API with OpenCart and the ...
Bir tıbbi cihaz projesinde kullandığımız STM32H7 serisi MCU'yü kendimiz programladık. Fakat ekipte kimsenin bu konuda deneyimi olmadığı için biraz kaba bir program oldu. Kullandığımız ...ofise gelip yüzyüze gösterilmesini de bekliyoruz. İdeal dünyada, yaklaşık 1 haftalık bir çalışma ile yukarıda anlattığımız çalışmanın hepsi bitirilebilir diye düşünüyoruz (belki sonrasında takıldığımız yerler olursa bir kaç dakikalık telefon konuşmaları ile çözebiliriz). P.S: You need to be actually living in Istanbul or be able to come to Istanbul for at least a week (on your own expense) in order to be eligible for this project. We expect some parts (i.e. testing the actual code) of the job to be done in the ac...
...who can assist me with SEO optimization for my website. The ideal candidate should have experience in SEO techniques and strategies. Tasks: - Conduct a thorough analysis of my website's current SEO status - Implement on-page and off-page optimization techniques to improve website ranking - Conduct keyword research and optimize website content accordingly - Collaborate with the content team to create SEO-friendly content - Monitor website traffic and provide recommendations for improvement Goals: - Increase website traffic - Improve website ranking on search engine results pages Current status of website's SEO: - Fully optimized but needs improvement Skills and experience required: - Strong understanding of SEO techniques and best practices - Experience with k...
Biz romanya daki dukkanimiz icin self order desk planliyoruz. Bir bubble tea siparisi 4-5 asamada cok tercihli adimlardan gectigi icin satis elemanlarimizin cok vaktini aliyor. Ayrica bu uygulamayi mobil telefonlardan da kullanmak, uygulama icine bubble tea temali oyun koymak, üyelere promosyon, hediye etc göndermek de istiyorum. Uygulamada resimler cok önemli. eglenceli olmasi gerekiyor. potansiyel musteri kitlemiz yani kullanicilar 10-25 yas arasi gencler. verilen siparislerden sonra selfy cekmek, kaydetmek, facebook, instagrama baglamak, arkadaslarina hediye olarak bubble tea göndermek, evlere servis uygulamalarina baglanmak, uye olarak gecmis siparislerini kaydetmek, " daha önce cilekli icmisdin, istersen simdi muzlu dene " arsivi kaydetmek etc...
"Customers" will always want 3 scoops of ice cream, served in desired flavor order The player has to click the flavor buttons in order to serve the scoops, one at a time If the scoops flavors are valid and in order, the player gets 1 point Otherwise the player gets no points Here's an example code snippet to get 3 random scoops, that a "customer" would want const getThreeScoops = () => 'vanilla chocolate strawberry ' .repeat(3) .trim() .split(' ') .sort(() => (() > 0.5 ? 1 : -1)) .slice(0, 3);
Hello. Thanks for reviewing my order, here is my needs; Snipe new listed tokens on Pancakeswap Honeypot contract check anti-sniper check Mempool check Waits for liquidity adding Buy token fast in the first block (if liquidity added) Sell token fast with small orders ( %10 %20 %30 ) Works my parameters ( contract address, gas fee, slippage, buy - sell amount / price ) Tool need to run smoothly Thank you.
Ben Kanada da bir restaurant işletmecisiyim . Delivery için bir uygulamaya ihtiyacım var. Sistem iki ara yüzlü olmalı , Birincisi yönetim için Şoför profili açmak Sipariş icin görev kurmak ( adresi ve sipariş numarasıyla ) Şoförlere mesaj yollamak . Şoförlerin güncel güzergahlarını canlı olarak takip etmek . Şoför i...tamamlanması onaylanmalı Çoklu sipariş kabullerinde sistemin en yakından uzağa doğru yolculuk planlamasi ve şoföre gösterilmesi . Sipariş tamamlandığını kanıtlanması gibi etaplar olmalı Büyük ve zahmetli bir proje , Detayları Freelancer kabul edildikten sonra paylaşılacak . Teşekkürler I need to app First for manager - Create to driver profile Create to task (...
Merhaba Badi O J., profilinizi farkettim ve size projemi önermek isterim. Detayları sohbet üzerinden tartışabiliriz.
Excelde çeşitli ebatlarda olabilen bir tablonun hücrelerinde bulunan değerlere göre bir çarpanla çarparak satır ve sütünları değere göre sıralayacak. Rank order clustering isimli bir matematiksel bir çözüm yöntemi.
Haskell sınavı için kısa kodlar yazılacak.İnceleme yapmanız için ders notlarımı ileteceğim kodlar bu formatta yazışim bilgilerinizi yazarsanız ücreti konuş types and typeclasses ,pattern matching,high order functions..
Although the GPS tracking app running on the Android phone shows the GPS device correctly, the app shows the phone's location incorrectly. In order for the application to show the location information correctly, it must get the location from the google maps application, not the phone hardware. When installing the application on the phone, necessary changes should be made to ensure that the application runs in a high priority classroom and the application works without any restrictions when the phone switches to battery saving mode. Actions to be taken: 1-Fix location update error of app 2- Changing app permissions to high priority 3-Ensuring that the application is not affected by battery saving restrictions Turkish language: Android telefonda çalışan GPS izleme uygul...
Merhaba, Şirket tarafından adıma Udacity eğitimi tamamlandı ancak vak...teknikleriyle programı eğitmek ve verdiğimiz fotoğrafı doğru tanımlamasını sağlamak. Kabaca bu şekilde yardımcı olabilecek kişilere daha da detay verebilirim. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello there, Udacity training has been completed by the company for my name, but I cannot spare the time, so I give this job in order not to report negatively. In the project, there are flower photos that have been given us a folder. Our goal is to train the program with machine learning techniques and to ensure that it accurately identifies the photo we provide. Roughly, I can give more detail to those who can help in this way.
--English description-- Türkçe için devamına bakın-- There is a laravel based 3 page information screen that we have prepared a long time ago. Old functions do not work after Yahoo api change (v1 was used), dhmi () switch to new site for the flight status of airport. Both the integration of the new weather and the ability to pull flight information back from dhmi will be made on the information screen. PS: Max budget is around €60 Uzun zaman önce hazırlattığımız laravel tabanlı 3 sayfalık bir bilgilendirme ekranı mevcut. Yahoo nun apisinin değişmesi (v1 kullanılıyordu), dhmi () nin yeni siteye geçmesi sonrası eski fonksiyonlar çalışmamakta. Bilgilendirme ekranına hem yeni hava durumunun entegrasyonu, hem de dhmi den tekrar uçuş ...
#teamihsanbul, iyilik için çalışan bir sosyal takımdır. Programımızın amacı, Dünya'da yaşayan tüm insanların bilimle iç içe yaşaması (beraberinde teknolojiyi, uzay programlarını, yapay z... (DİKKAT: Bu logo sadece dikkatimizi çeken bir logo örneğidir, aynısının yapılması talep edilmemektedir!) Haydi, iyilik için tasarla! (DİKKAT: Sizlere sunduğumuz bu metin Türkçe hazırlanmıştır. Çevirilerde sorun çıkmaması ve yanlış anlaşılmaması bakımından dikkatli olmanızı öneriyoruz.) (ATTENTION: This text has been prepared in Turkish. We recommend you to be careful in order to avoid problems and misunderstandings.) Bu yarışma ÖDÜL garantilidir ve istediklerimize uygun, emek verilen pro...
Paribu, screen scraping icin istenilenler: Ilgili CCYler: BTC, ETH, XRP, LTC, BCH, XLM, USDT, EOS 1) Siteye () giris (2 factor authentication) 2) “Market” sekmesinden, ilgili CCYler icin “Bekleyen Satis Emirleri”ni, bizim belirtecegimiz siklikta okuma ve gonderme (Sell Order Book) 3) “Market” sekmesinden, ilgili CCYler icin “Bekleyen Alis Emirleri”ni, bizim belirtecegimiz siklikta okuma ve gonderme (Buy Order Book) 4) “Market” sekmesinden, bizim gonderecegimiz komuta istinaden, ilgili CCY icin miktar ve fiyat bilgisiyle birlikte Alis Emri girme 5) “Market” sekmesinden, bizim gonderecegimiz komuta istinaden, ilgili CCY icin miktar ve fiyat bilgisiy...
Hello there I want to create a callcenter api with Fusionpbx I want to do with this api. 1- Create Callcenter. 2- Add and delete agents in Callcenter Queue. 3- Agent creation. 4- Agent delete . 5- Changing the status of the callcenter agent (Logged Out - On Break-Available) 6- Callcenter queue status.
Merhaba sitemiz için ios ve android üzerinde çalışan uygulama yaptırtmak istiyoruz. Sitemizde pazarladığımız 50,100,250,500 liralık btckart kodlarımızı kullanıcılar uygulamamızı açarak satın alabilecekler. Güvenlik açısından kart kodları sipariş incelendikten sonra yollanacaktır. Sahibi olduğumuz mail order cihazımızdan kullanıcıların siparişlerindeki kullandıkları kredi kartı bilgilerini mail olarak almak ya da sitemiz üzerindeki bir form aracılığı tarafımıza gönderilmesi daha sonra cihaza kart bilgilerini girerek ödemeyi tahsil edip kullanıcının sipariş verdiği mail adresine BTCKART kodlarını manuel oarak yollamak istiyoruz. Uygulama İngilizce ve Türkçe olmalıdır.
Merhaba, Mobil versiyonda Webmaster ve ya Soru-cevap skripti kurdum. İsteyen olsa anlaşa biliriz. İçerik: Soru cevab puanlama. Üyeler E-mail onayı Siteler Source onayı Forum (Soru, resim, dosya yükleme dahil) Dosya depolama / Downloads Dil desteği (Az, En, Ru, Tr) İnbox (mesajlaşma, resim, dosya gönderme) Bildirimler kutusu (Cevap, yeni konu, ve s.) İlave olarak. İkon arama botu Logo yapma Resim effekti oluşturma Reklam bölümü. WhatsApp +994 (70) 896 11 50 Ramin Muğalov Saygılar :)
Kullanıcıların alan adlarını yani domainlerini alıp satabilmeleri için üyelik sistemi ve admin paneli olan kullanışlı bir script kurulumu talep ediyoruz. Ödeme seçeneklerinde banka havalesi ile paypal ile offline kredi kartı mail order ile ödeme alabilme seçeneği olmalıdır.
Liderin altına üye tanımlama alt üyelerden komisyon tanımlama networkig gibi bir modül arıyorum.Üyeler benim ürünlerimi satacak ve komisyon kazanacaklar. İngilizcesi iyi olan bir arkadaş sanırım aşağıdaki modüllerden hangisinin benim işime yaradığını sö varsa başka modül önerisi oda olabilir. Modül 1 bir arkadaş sanırım aşağıdaki modüllerden hangisinin benim işime yaradığını sö varsa başka modül önerisi oda olabilir. Modül 1 Modül2
this is an ongoing project. first we need support for hourly fee. then we need a takeover and complete the project. the code is written with angular.js we expect 2 physical meetings in a week in istanbul for status updates expected completion time: 1 april ------------------------------------------ devam eden bir yazılım geliştirme projesine önce saat ücreti karşılığı destek, arkasından kodun devralınıp projenin bitirilmesi. angular js ile ilerleyen bir web projesidir. istanbulda haftada 2 gün, 2 saatlik fiziksel görüşme ve statü toplantısı yapılacaktır. tahmini bitiş zamanı 1 nisan
Android 4.4'de aşağıdaki api'yi kullanıp json post-get yapacak bir uygulama. Toplam 2 ekran. Kaynak kodları paylaşılıp anlatılacak küçük eklemeler için Bütçem: 300 TL Kısaca özetlemek gerekirse. 1) Apiyi kullanan ve scanner start edecek bir uygulama yazılacak.(Apide örnek var) 2) 2 Adet Form ekranı oluştur...Bütçem: 300 TL Kısaca özetlemek gerekirse. 1) Apiyi kullanan ve scanner start edecek bir uygulama yazılacak.(Apide örnek var) 2) 2 Adet Form ekranı oluşturulacak 3) Bu form ekranlardan girilen bilgileri bir web sayfasına gönderecek ve gelen verileri yine formun altında biryere basacak Api Döküman Dosyası: Api Dosyası:
Existing website will be re-design with actual programing tools. We can order new thema. Complete website sould be manage from admin panel. Two Language, Turkish and can translate the English version prior to upload.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mevcut sitemizin güncellenerek daha iyi görsel hala getirilmesi. Ingilizce ve Turkçe Themalarla site yeniden hazırlanacak.Tüm site admin panelden yönetilebilmelidir.Ürünler, referanslar, başarı hikayeleri, güncel projeler, vs vs..
...system via credit card and paybyway (this can be discussed in terms of security and certificates to get) 2. As soon as the customer opens order, having invoice print from the printer at the restaurant (having, place to go, the customer name and the price etc. as order information) ( I can make the physical configuration of the printer) 3. The membership for the customers and this membership can be possible to make via social platforms such as Facebook, Gmail, Twitter. 4. Order status informative mail for customers when they ordered (for example: your order will be received within 45 minutes, etc.) 5. When the customers open an order: for example he orders a pizza. While he is choosing the specialties of the pizza such as S,...
Hello we are looking for WHMCS: Auto provisioning of VMware ESXI for vps automation delivery after completing order. Auto Server Create Auto OS Installation (Using NOC-PS) Auto Assign IP address vKVM Support Start,Stop,Restart,Suspend,Unsuspend Server Server Informations (RAM,CPU,HDD)
merhaba Tansel Kaya bey, Biz su anda ekmek uretim yapan bir firmayiz. Firmamizdaki mevcut sistem atil kalmaktadir. Bu sistemi gelistirmek program express invoice'dir (). bu sisteme gunluk uretim tablosu entegre edip siparis veya faturalari bu tablodan alinti yaparak kesmek istiyoruz. Customer--->order production table---->invoice/order Ekte excel formatindaki production tablosu vardir. Tablo gunluk siparisleri icermektedir. Buradaki degerleri bahsi gecen express invoice programina aktariyoruz. Oradan siparis veya fatura ciktisi aliyoruz. ister mevcutta kullandigimiz programa ilave edin isterseniz yepyeni bir program yapin. Bu tamamiyle size kalmis. Tarafima projeyi yapip yapamiyacaginizi bildirirseniz sevinirim. Ozer Depsen Euro
Anbindund Paypal Express OSCommerce
tarzında bir siteye ihtiyacım var bire bir aynısını istemiyorum detayları daha sonra konuşuruz.
Var olan twitter benzeri bir web sitesinin mobil versiyonunun yapılması. Siteye mobil cihazlardan erişildiğinde şu an var olan tüm fonksiyonlarıyla çalışması. İki yeni özellik eklenmesi: 1- Facebook status girişi gibi (mobil cihazdan çekerek veya var olan bir resmi yükleyerek) resim eklenmesi ve resim üzerine resmi yükleyen kişinin yorum yazabilmesi. 2- Yine facebook status güncellemesi gibi check-in yapılarak yazı girildiğinde bu koordinat bilgisinin kaydedilmesi. Ve check-in yaparak arama yapan kişilerin bu yorumları yakından uzağa sıralayabilmeleri.
AsSalamu Alaikum Arif, I need someone to work for me part/ fu...experts Local Business ideas/ knowledge. If you have those skills then there are also 2 MOST important KEY factors that I would consider in order to offer you a job and those are: Your english proficiency in speaking, understanding, writing. And Your self-starter attitude. (Working without monitiring/ follow up). If you think, you are the right person then let me know how many hours a day you can work for me if I pay you 1 million IDR in a day. This is how we can start in the first few months. But before that I can also offer you one particular job for a fixed amount to understand your skill. So, please write me detail your skill and ability in order to proceed, En Shaa Allah. Also let me know if you have ...
I am looking for an experienced eCommerce developer who can set up a BigCommerce dropshipping store for me focused on pet products. Key Requirements: - Extensive knowledge and experience with BigCommerce. - Proven track record in building dropshipping stores. - Familiarity with pet product market would be a plus. Key Functionalities: - Automated Order Processing: Orders should be automatically processed to ensure seamless operations. - Shipping: I need a reliable system for shipping integrated into the store. - Membership: The store should have a membership functionality to enhance customer loyalty. The ideal candidate will be able to deliver a fully functional, user-friendly and appealing dropshipping store. I am looking for a quick turnaround time without compromising on quali... with a minimum of 5 years of expertise in Node.js, React, database management, and advanced skills in UI/UX design (should know the 60-30-10 Color Rule). Your role will be to create a web and mobile platform/application that optimizes our current manual workflow processes, enhancing project management, communication, and transparency. The platform will provide real-time updates on project status, milestones, and invoicing, along with automated notifications and alerts. A user-friendly interface will allow clients to track projects, while our internal teams manage tasks and reporting. Security is crucial, and we expect secure data handling, multi-factor authentication, detailed audit trails, and interactive maps. We kindly request that your proposal includes development budg...
Seeking a logistics expert for warehouse management with a specific focus on order fulfillment. Your role will primarily involve handling the picking and packing of orders. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in warehouse management and logistics - Expertise in order fulfillment processes - Proficient in picking and packing procedures Your main tasks will include: - Overseeing the picking and packing of orders in a timely and efficient manner - Ensuring order accuracy to minimize returns and enhance customer satisfaction Ultimately, we are looking for a professional who can streamline our warehouse operations and improve our order fulfillment efficiency.
My Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 needs urgent SSL certificate installation. Key Details: - Current Status: The server is currently operational but the SSL certificate has expired. - SSL Certificate: I already have a Single Domain SSL certificate purchased. - Server: This is for an existing setup of Microsoft Exchange Server 2016. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Microsoft Exchange Server 2016. - Proficient in SSL certificate installation. - Good understanding of Single Domain SSL certificates. - Excellent troubleshooting skills to ensure server security post-installation.
...water and let the Electric Cleaner do the work." [Scene 7]: [Visual: Side-by-side comparison of traditional cleaning products versus the Electric Cleaner.] Narrator: "Ditch the chemicals, save money, and make a positive impact on the environment!" [Scene 8 - Call to Action]: [Visual: Product close-up with website link and social media handles.] Text on screen: "Ready for a cleaner, safer home? Order now!" Narrator: "Get yours today and join the cleaning revolution!" [End Screen]: Text: "The future of cleaning is here – with just water. #EcoClean #ElectricCleaner" Interested? I look forward to your bid! ==> Start your bid with "VIDEO"...
I have two task for today which needs to completed by today. 1. free shipping on all orders + get 10% cashback on your next order 2. Navigation Setup
I'm looking for a TikTok shop manager to help with product listing and updates, setup and affiliate management. There's a mix of updating existing product listings and starting from scratch. Ideal Skills: - E-commerce experience, specifically on TikTok - Product listing and inventory management - Affiliate marketing - Customer service skills - Order processing and fulfillment Your Role: - Assisting with shop setup - Managing product listings and updates - Handling affiliate management Please include relevant experience in your proposal. system interfaced with Excel. The system should be capable of handling various order types and seamlessly executing trades based on Excel outputs. Key Responsibilities: - Building an automated trading system on NinjaTrader 8. - Integrating Excel to generate trading details saved in CSV format. - Ensuring NinjaTrader picks up the CSV and executes trades accurately. Order Types: - The system needs to handle Market orders, Limit orders, and Stop orders. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven experience working with NinjaTrader 8. - Strong proficiency in Excel, particularly with CSV file handling. - Prior experience with day trading strategies. - Ability to design systems for executing various order types. I'm looking for a professional who can deliv...
I'm looking for a seasoned mobile app developer to create an interactive, feature-rich messaging application for both iOS and Android. The app should include: - Text messaging - Voice and video calls - File sharing - Status updates - Community features - Live streaming - Group chats - Interactive elements (like 'pokes' from MSN) The ideal candidate for this project should have a strong background in developing cross-platform mobile apps, particularly messaging applications. Proficiency in app security, user interface design, and knowledge of integrating interactive features will be highly beneficial. Experience with real-time data transmission and VoIP technology will also be a plus. Please share your previous relevant work when bidding.
I'm looking for a talented web developer to build an interactive dropship website for custom T-shirt design. The site should allow customers to create and order custom T-shirts. Key features needed are integration with Facebook, Instagram, Etsy, Amazon, and TikTok, robust marketing tools to promote the product on these platforms, ecommerce capabilities, secure payment options, and a mobile-responsive design.
I'm looking for a Windows application to help manage the inventory for my textile printing business. The application should primarily focus on: - Inventory Management: This includes tracking stock levels, monitoring the status of supplies, and managing suppliers efficiently. - Supplier Management: The application should have a feature to help keep track of all my suppliers, their contact details, and the supplies they provide. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong background in software development, particularly in creating Windows applications. Experience in developing inventory management systems or applications for the textile industry would be a significant advantage.
I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a comprehensive ERP system using Laravel. This system should cover several key modules and functionalities, with a focus on daily updates and progress tracking. Key Modules: - Inventory Management: This module should include stock tracking, order management, and supplier management. - Customer Relationship Management: Key features in this module should encompass lead management, customer support, and sales tracking. - Human Resources: This module should cater to all HR related tasks and requirements. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Laravel with a strong portfolio of ERP systems. - Experience in developing Inventory Management and CRM modules. - Strong understanding of Human Resource management systems. - Excellent com...
...create a vintage-style coffee and food menu for a cafe as well as a modern and fun menu for a gourmet sandwich shop inside of a fine wine and cheese shop. I have the menu items written out, just looking for a design and the logistics on where to place the items on the menu. Also would like to have creative names for my sandwiches and coffee drinks and make the language very enticing for people to order. Key Requirements: - Design a vintage-style menu as well as a modern, fun menu. There are 2 menus needed to design - Format the menu as a board/menu sign - Emphasize coffee items prominently for cafe menu -emphasize sandwiches and ingredients in sandwich shop menu - Strategically place food items and special offers Ideal Skills: - Graphic design experience - Menu design exper...
I have between 11 and 50 PDF policies that need to be converted into Word documents. The formatting in the Word documents must match the original PDF layout precisely. After conversion, I need a thorough review of the converted documents alongside the existing ones to ensure there are no duplicates. Key Tasks: - Convert 11-50 PDF policies to Word -...Table of Contents based on a provided sample Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Microsoft Word and Adobe Acrobat - Excellent attention to detail - Experience in document conversion and formatting - Ability to follow specific formatting guidelines Please note, the Table of Contents will need to include the name of each policy and its corresponding number to ensure all policies are present and in proper order. A sample will be provided for ...
Lütfen detayları görmek için Kaydolun ya da Giriş Yapın.
I'm looking for a seasoned mobile app developer to create a food delivery application for both iOS and Android. The app should cater to both customers and restaurant/store owners, with essential features like user registration/login, order tracking, payment gateway integration, and a graphic catalogue. Key Features: - User registration/login: A secure and straightforward process for both customers and restaurant/store owners. - Order tracking: A real-time tracking system for customers to monitor their orders. - Payment gateway integration: A reliable and secure payment system. - Graphic catalogue: A visually appealing and easy-to-navigate catalogue displaying available food options. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in cross-platform mobile app development. - P...
...seamless product integration - Troubleshoot any issues that arise during the import process - Ensure data integrity and accuracy post-import Ideal Skills: - Proficient in WordPress and WP All Import - Excellent problem-solving abilities - Detail-oriented to ensure data accuracy We are looking for an expert in WP All Import to assist with the configuration of our product, attribute, category, order, stock, images... imports and exports. Your expertise in this plugin is crucial for ensuring seamless data transfer and organization within our e-commerce platform. If you have a strong track record in successfully managing WP All Import tasks and can handle complex configurations, we want to hear from you. Please provide examples of previous work and your approach to solving potentia...
I'm looking to set ...both a web platform and a mobile app. The platform will need to facilitate the entire license application process, allow for status tracking, and support the renewal of existing licenses. Key Features: - Comprehensive license application process - Real-time status tracking capabilities - Seamless renewal process for existing licenses - Both a web and mobile platform User Experience: - All users will be required to create mandatory accounts on the platform before they can access the services. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in web and mobile app development - Experience in creating user-friendly, intuitive platforms - Understanding of backend systems for status tracking and license renewal - Prior experience with similar project...