Oscommerce registration form işler
...for the delay, and daily working hours will be recalculated accordingly. After each task, the system asks if the task is complete, and if completed late, overtime will be calculated. Job Completion Verification: After task completion, personnel must confirm the task's completion, and if completed after the end time, the system will calculate the overtime hours. General Modules: Login and Registration: Personnel, managers, supervisors, and general managers will log in from the same page and be directed to their respective dashboards. Personnel will have a different interface compared to managers. Time and Salary Tracking: Monthly time tracking and salary calculations are available, including overtime and special day wage adjustments. Reporting and Performance Evaluation:...
...stories for children. Story information, pictures and voice recordings can be uploaded from the admin panel of the application. This information will be kept on the Firebase platform. Since it is kept on the Firebase platform, pictures and sound recordings will be cached on the user's own phone or saved as a file, so the server will not be occupied unnecessarily on the Firebase server side. Registration etc. for end users. It will happen too. There will also be Ads management within the application, and if the user becomes premium, then the ads will be removed. You can contact us for detailed information. The application will be on both platforms (Android & iOS)....
Merhaba ek de belirtmiş olduğum görsellerin aynısı olacak şekilde bir resimli masaüstü uygulaması bilgi yarışması yapılması ihtiyacım ve Kullanıcı paneli olarak 2 giriş ekranına tc ve admin tarafından ooluşturulacak şifre ilegiriş yapı form projesi olarak yapılması gereken uygulamada her soru 25 saniye süreli ve toplam da 50 adet görüntü sorusundan oluşmalı.50 sorunun ilk 25 i 3 secenekli (a,b,c) geri kalanı 25 soru ise 6 seçenekten (a,b,c,d,e,f) oluşacak sekilde ayarlanmalı.Kullanıcı sınav bitiminde sonuclarını göre bilmeli ve sonuçlar veri tabanında kayıt altına alı Birde veri tabanında soruları random usülü almalı.Veri tabanında sorular kolay,orta,zor, tablolarına kayıt cevap seceneklerı işaretlendikten snra g&ou...
İsteğinize Bağlı Olarak Tasarımda Değişiklikler Yapabilirim.
C# gibi bir program ile yapılan bir uygulama olacak ve gönder tuşuna basıldığında bilgi benim mailime gelecek bu şekilde bir program istiyorum.
Gib tarafından Aracı Kurumlardan istenen XML formatlı dosya için web tabanlı Xml dönüştürücü projesi...
Merhaba ek de belirtmiş olduğum görsellerin aynısı olacak şekilde bir resimli masaüstü uygulaması bilgi yarışması yapılması ihtiyacım ve Kullanıcı paneli olarak 2 giriş ekranına tc ve admin tarafından ooluşturulacak şifre ilegiriş yapı form projesi olarak yapılması gereken uygulamada her soru 25 saniye süreli ve toplam da 50 adet görüntü sorusundan oluşmalı.50 sorunun ilk 25 i 3 secenekli (a,b,c) geri kalanı 25 soru ise 6 seçenekten (a,b,c,d,e,f) oluşacak sekilde ayarlanmalı.Kullanıcı sınav bitiminde sonuclarını göre bilmeli ve sonuçlar veri tabanında kayıt altına alı Birde veri tabanında soruları random usülü almalı.Veri tabanında sorular kolay,orta,zor, tablolarına kayıt cevap seceneklerı işaretlendikten snra g&ou...
***çok basamaklı web calculator + upload + user registration + download*** Müşterilerimize sigorta hizmeti sunuyoruz. Yeni müşteri kabulu için bir çok kriterin uyması gerekiyor. Aşağıda belirtilen fonksyonlar ile otomatik kriter sorgulama yapmak istiyoruz: 1) Kullanıcının girdigi verilere göre komplike bir fiyat hesaplaması. Veri girildikçe fiyatlar bir animasyon ile dinamik şekilde güncellenmesi lazım. Eger müsterinin kriterleri uyuyorsa, yeni bir hesap oluşturmasına izin veriliyor. 2) Hesap oluşturma aşamasında kullanıcı kimliğini ve sicil kağıdını upload etmesi gerekiyor. Bunun için standart upload fonksonu haricinde ekrandaki bar kod ile bilgisayardan cep telefonuna gecilerek ordan fotograf cekilmesine izin veril...
işimizde kullanmak zorunda olduğumuz bir sitede belli bir formu hepsini aynı şekilde doldurup kaydedecek bir program yapılması gerekiyor. çok basit bu proje karşılığında tek seferlik mütavazı bir ücret ödenecektir. ek gelir yaratmak isteyen öğrenci yazılımcı için uygundur. php, js ve html dilleri bilen
Merhaba , ekteki görüntülerde görüldüğü üzere 3d model yükleme ve dinamik form oluşturulmasını istiyoruz. ve benzeri yazılımları kullanarak kolayca geliştirilebileceğine inanıyoruz. Model ölçülerine ve seçeneklere göre fiyatta değişiklik olmasını istiyoruz bunu web sitemizde kullanacagız. proje maliyetini uygun tutmak için ilk etapta sadece 2 dosya uzantısıyla çalışması yeterli.
Antalya’da faaliyet gösteren yazılım şirketimize; Mevcut projemizde, yazılım geliştirme konusunda çalışmak üzere takım arkadaşları aramaktayız Tam zamanlı veya Yarı zamanlı
.NET ile SOAP API bir adet form hazırlanacak. Formdan karşı tarafa bir doküman request gönderilecek ve dönen response PDF olarak çıktı. Yapılacak işlem tek bir sorgu ve onun cevabı olarak düşünülebilir. İşyerim benden istedi. PHP ile yaptım ama windows form ile yapılmasını istendi. Bütçem çok yok, yardımcı olursanız çok sevinirim. Örnek dokümanlar ve SOAP zarfları ile ilgili kaynaklarım vardır. Şimdiden teşekkürler.
...already direct iyzico,we need to extent it to market place... How it works it,on seller registration form there is already some info,we can add a few more which iyzico asked such as company iban,id etc... ones user register,this all info should go to iyzico payment gw company as submerchant,here is some info 1) API Keys You can find your "API Key" and "Security Key" information in your iyico Control Panel () in the Settings menu. 2) Integration Documents INTEGRATION DOCUMENTS Do not forget to try out payment after you have completed your integration! In addition, in terms of help, the video at and about integration you can access detailed information at This
Merhaba, Veritabanına bir talep formu tasarımı yapılacak (FORM SQL İŞLEYECEK VE MAİL GÖNDERECEK) Veritabanına listeleme yapılacak belli kriterlere göre rapor alacak ve excel e aktaracak ve yazdıracak MSSQL veritabanı ! Teşekküler.
...----------------------------------------------------------------- As FA Research and Consultancy, we are looking for a PHP developer freelancer or company (team) to develop our online survey distribution web site (PHP) project. The project has initiated and needs to be developed by its backend and frontend sections. There are several project management panels in Backend. Frontend has a registration form and informative pages. The main idea and service of our website is; Users will register on the site, complete the html questionnaires (surveys) and earn gifts or money in return. Surveys will be displayed on the site via iframe. Selected gifts or prize money will be distributed on the site. The projects will be communicated with users on the site. A detailed brief (in Tu...
PDF sayfasında gördüğünüz ekranın Yeni Kayıt Ekleme ve Güncelleme sayfası yapılacaktır. Sayfa php ile yapılacaktır. Sistemin JSF ile çalışır demosu mevcuttur. Teklif vereceklere demo üzerinden detaylar anlatılacaktır. Sayfada kullanılacak bazı mesleki protokoller : Z39.50 (php_yaz), MARC_Files (php pear)
PDF sayfasında gördüğünüz ekranın Yeni Kayıt Ekleme ve Güncelleme sayfası yapılacaktır. Sayfada kullanılacak bazı mesleki protokoller : Z39.50 (php_yaz), MARC_Files (php pear)
I want 8 form. 1 User registration, 2 user login, 3 profile editing, 4 messaging between users, 5 send notification to the user, 6 car rental registration form and registration, 7 rental car, search, 8 make comments for the rental car, and the stars.
Php ile form gönderme işi, formun tüm alanları zorunlu olacak. E-mail yanlış yazma kriterleri göz önünde bulundurulacak. Form detayları aşağıdadır. Firma Adı (Textbox) E-Posta (Textbox) Filo Sorumluusu (Textbox) Sevk Adresi (Textbox) Araç Sayısı (Combobox) (20 ye kadar sayılar içerecek) -araç sayısı kaç seçildiyse o kadarın araç bilgisi girilmesi istenecek. Bunlar ; Departman (Textbox) Plaka (Textbox) Marka (Textbox) Model (Textbox) Benzin (Textbox) Motorin (Textbox) Fuelopass (Textbox) Kart (Textbox) Viu (Textbox)
kullanıcılara verdiğimiz uniq bir kod ile web sitemizde register yapılması ve bilgilerin bir veri tabanına kayıt edilmesi.
Merhaba, örnek sitedeki gibi kalem simgesine basılınca açılan bir iletişim formu istiyorum. Daha sonrasında müşterilerden gönderilen mailler benim mail adresime yönlendirilecek. Örnek site: .Sağ alt köşede ki kalem butonuna basıp iletişim formunu incelemeniz gerek.
joomla breezing form select list and google dokumanlara transfer işim var çok kısa yardımcı olmak isterseniz
joomla breezing form select list and google dokumanlara transfer işim var çok kısa yardımcı olmak isterseniz
...şu adresteki formun yerine koymak, ve formda istediğim bilgiler girilmediğinde ya da form gönderildiğinde şu sitedeki gibi uyarı vermek istiyorum. bu formdaki gibi üst kısımda eksik bilgi uyarısı ile form başarılı şekilde gönderilmiştir uyarısı verdirtmek istiyorum. Daha sonra ziyaretçi formu doldurup gönderdikten sonra, formu gönderene bir form takip numarası vermek ve sitenin belli yerlerine form sorgula kısmı ekleyerek ziyaretçinin bu kısma daha önce aldığı takip numarasını girerek başvuru durumu hakkında bilgilendirme yapmak istiyorum. Form için admin panel olacak, gönderilen formlar hem belirlemiş olduğum mail adresine pdf olarak gelecek hemde bu admin panelde formları takip ed...
Önceki projemizle ilgili süregelen çalışmam var 'Build a php form to generate reports for 3 levels of administration'
... Kullanacağımız temel fonksiyonlar aşağıdaki gibi olacak. bunlarda ekleme ve çıkarma olabilir. bizim taraftaki duruma göre bunu size sunacağım. şuan da temel yapının oluşturulması önemli, Bizim tarafa bağlantı parametrelerini bilahare iletiyor olacağım. Available Management Features · Domain Registration · Contact Create · Domain Transfers · Renewal/Extensions · View Nameservers · Change Nameservers · View WHOIS Information(Contact) · Update WHOIS Information(Contac) · Lock/Unlock Domains (Domain kilit opsiyonları, Transfer, update etc.) · Whois Protection · EPP Code Retrieval · Register/Manage Private Nameservers (Child name serv...
Anbindund Paypal Express OSCommerce
I need an official translation of my company's business registration certificate from Spanish to Dutch. It is crucial for this translation to be accurate and professionally done, as it will be used in formal proceedings. Ideal skills for the job include: - Proficiency in both Spanish and Dutch - Experience in legal and business document translation - Attention to detail and accuracy Please provide examples of previous similar translations you have completed, along with your bid.
...project is centered on creating a Homemade Food Marketplace platform, connecting service providers (home cooks) with customers looking for homemade food, beverages, and catering services. Below, I have outlined the specific requirements for this platform to ensure its smooth functionality and exceptional user experience. General Requirements: User Panels: Service Provider Panel (for Home Cooks): Registration and Verification: After registering, service providers must go through a verification process, including background checks and validation of their credibility, before they are approved to start selling on the platform. Profile Creation: Providers should create detailed profiles showcasing their cooking skills, certifications, menus, pricing, and delivery options. This inclu...
I'm looking for an experienced developer to integrate Google reCAPTCHA v2 into my BuddyPress invitation form. The purpose of this integration is to enhance the security of the form and prevent spam and malicious attacks. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in PHP, JavaScript, and WordPress - Extensive experience with BuddyPress, Wordpress and Google reCAPTCHA - Strong understanding of web security measures Please note, I already have a Google reCAPTCHA site key and secret key set up. Important! You need to know how to implement Google Recaptcha and how to modify buddypress functions.
I'm looking for a profe...website should be interactive and user-friendly, supporting live online classes. Key features should include: - Student registration and login: The site needs a secure, easy-to-use interface for students to sign up and access their courses. - Interactive quizzes and exams: The website should facilitate student engagement and assessment through quizzes and exams. - Progress tracking and reporting: I want a system that allows students to monitor their progress and receive reports on their performance. Ideal candidates should have experience in e-commerce website development, preferably for academic purposes. Skills in implementing interactive elements and secure registration systems are essential. A portfolio showcasing similar projects would b...
I'm looking for a professional to create an interactive online membership form for me. This form must be able to calculate the due amount based on the selected membership type and facilitate electronic signatures. Key Requirements: - The form must include options for different membership types, each with a different fee. - The form should securely capture payment information. - It must have a simple and efficient interface for electronic signing. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in form building software or platforms. - Experience with payment integration in online forms. - Knowledge of security measures for handling personal and payment information. - Capability to create user-friendly interfaces. Please provide examples of similar proj...
We are looking for a skilled professional web developer to create an E-commerce website for selling physical goods based on the Divi WordPress theme. We require . Mega Menu for products . Pages required as below that will be Branded and Styled to our requirements About Cart Single page Checkout Contact Faq Home My account (Login and or Registration with reCAPTCHA protection) My Orders Payments Privacy Policy Shipping Shop Sitemap Terms and Conditions Warranty and Returns Policy Woo Commerce database setup not required Key Requirements: - All offers from Freelancers to be firm price offers (no negotiations on price after acceptance) - Extensive experience and expertise in Divi & WordPress - Customization of the Divi theme to suit an online sto...
...clients who wish to establish companies in various countries, including Djibouti, Slovenia, Lithuania, Argentina, Côte d'Ivoire, Turkmenistan, Tanzania, Zambia, Libya, Tajikistan, Mozambique, Togo, Cameroon, Mali, and Sierra Leone. We are looking for professional partners or agencies who can assist us with the following services: - Company registration - Provision of a commercial address for one year - Corporate bank account opening - Tax registration - Appointment of a local director (if required by local regulations) If you also offer accounting and tax services, please include the details and pricing in your proposal. We require a comprehensive quote for these services, and we are interested in establishing a long-term partnership. Please contact me ...
I'm looking for a talented developer to create a mobile app and corresponding web admin panel for a promotional initiative. The app needs to be available on both iOS and Android platforms. App Features: - User registration and login: A seamless sign-up and login process is crucial for user experience. - Push notifications: Ability to send timely updates and promotions to users is a must. Web Admin Panel Features: - User management: The ability to oversee user accounts and their activity is essential. - Analytics dashboard: A comprehensive analytics interface to track app performance and user engagement. - Content management: A system for uploading and managing promotional content. Ideal skills for this project include cross-platform mobile app development, web development, ...
I'm in need of an experienced web developer with a strong background in NGO projects. The task involves creating a modern, vis...visually appealing website for my NGO, which focuses on cleaning rivers and feeding the poor. This site needs to be both vibrant and user-friendly, with the following key features: - A Photo Gallery to showcase our initiatives and impact. - A secure and easy-to-use donation platform, accommodating various payment methods. - An Events Calendar to keep our supporters informed. - A Volunteer Registration form to streamline our recruitment process. The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Extensive experience in developing NGO websites. - A keen sense for creating visually appealing designs. - Strong skills in web security and payment...
In order to achieve automatic registration and listing of published applications on iOS and Android, the following requirements are needed: The iOS side needs to be equipped with Zorro One-Click New Device to ensure isolation and simulation of each Vinted store environment. The requirements for Android and iOS are similar, requiring software to simulate and isolate the operating environment. (No specific application is specified, you have freedom to choose but it must be usable by me.) The software must support Chinese. Support for the Vinted application in three countries: , , and [another country to be specified or assumed, e.g., for Germany]. Do not write fixed-position click scripts in the software, as the button positions change each time the app is opened
...ures. * Calendar Integration: Sync casting call dates and auditions with personal or team calendars. * Marketing and Promotion: * Promote Casting Calls: Options to promote casting calls through social media or targeted notifications to actors. * Engagement Campaigns: Create campaigns to engage actors and build a community around the casting process. Common Features : 1. User Management: * Registration and login for Casting Professionals and Actors. * Role-based access control to manage permissions. 2. Casting Call Management: * Create, edit, and delete casting calls with detailed descriptions, requirements, and deadlines. * Pagination for listing cas...
I need a web-based form to collect user information. The information will be submitted through the website and stored in a database. I need a form (blue background and 99% used on mobiles) for the following details Must have google cacpha, which ill add my details in after. It needs to create a GamerID number after its passed cacpha and saved and shows on screen to use person who just filled in form and sends them a simple email with it to the email address in the form. Details are First name 'Fname' Last name 'Lname' Gamer Tag 'GamerTag' Date of birth 'DoB' Email ' Email' Suburb ' suburb' State 'state' Postcode ' pcode' Also 2 empty sections in the db, 'Activated' abd &...
...expense tracking application to help users organise and monitor their finances. The main functionalities of the application will be 1. Recording of expenses: a. Record each expense with categorisation (e.g. "food", "transport", "entertainment"). b. Choice of date and time to record each expense. (you can record future expenses as well) 2. User login/registration: Implementation using Firebase Authentication for user registration and login using dummy emails and passwords. 3. View expense statistics: a. Users will be able to view their expenses in detail, monthly, weekly or any other selected time period, and per category (food, entertainment etc) b. Expenses can be displayed graphically (e.g. pie chart or bar chart) usi...
I need a Google Form created for internal employees. The form is intended to collect personal information, so it needs to have fields for 'Name and contact details' and 'Identification number'. Key Features: - 30-second countdown timer: The timer should start as soon as the form is opened. - Submit button disablement: If the user doesn't submit within the time limit, the submit button should be disabled. - Form clearing: If the user doesn't submit within the time limit, the form should clear itself. This project should only use Google App Script, and ideally, the freelancer should have experience working with Google Forms and App Script.
Project Overview: We are seeking an experienced UI/UX designer to create a clickable prototype for a new B2B procurement platform designed to connect suppliers with corporate buyers. The prototype will showcase key user flows and interactions, providing a functional preview of the platform’s capabilities for upcoming investor presentations. Supplier & Buyer Interfaces: - Design and prototype user registration, profile creation, and dashboard views for both suppliers and buyers. - Demonstrate search, filtering, and communication features between suppliers and buyers. Core Features & Interactions: - Simulate key functions such as supplier searches, request for proposals (RFPs), and user messaging. - Include a simple analytics view for users to track their activity. Re...
...is still not complete or built to specifications. The focus of the audit should primarily be identifying incomplete features, particularly concerning functionality and performance. I am particularly concerned about three specific functionalities: User registration and login, Payment gateways, and Search and filter options. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Extensive experience in website auditing. - A strong understanding of website functionality and performance. - Familiarity with assessing user registration and login systems, payment gateways, and search and filter options. - Ability to present findings in a clear, concise manner suitable for a legal context. Your work will be crucial in helping me demonstrate the shortcomings of the ...
...the ".SOL" TLD, using factors such as registration cost, floor price, character length penalty, and relevance. We need a candidate with a strong background in mathematics, economics, pricing, or similar fields involving numerical analysis and algorithm development. Web3 experience is a plus but not strictly required. Scope 1. Evaluation: Assess the current state of our algorithm, including available variables, data sources, and methods used for appraising domain names. 2. Data Analysis: Analyze the data currently being used in our tool, identifying any gaps or opportunities for improvement. 3. Algorithm Refinement:Recommend and develop an enhanced algorithm that accurately reflects the value of ".SOL" domains, factoring in aspects like registration...
To achieve automatic registration and listing of published applications on iOS and Android, the following requirements are necessary: The iOS side needs to be equipped with the zorro one-click new device feature to ensure isolation and simulation of each vinted store environment. The requirements for Android and iOS are similar, necessitating software that can simulate and isolate the operating environment. (No specific application is designated; you have freedom to develop, but it must be usable by me.) The software must support Chinese. Support for vinted applications in two countries: and vinted.co.uk. Do not incorporate fixed-position click scripts in the software, as the button positions may change each time the app is opened. Additional Notes: Each time the app is opened, th...