21 Tips & Tricks To Nailing Modern CSS
Here are simple tips that might help you cope with the challenges of creating your website.
...Tasarımı: Açılır kapanır sol menü, merkezi buton grubu ve renk değişim efektleri. • Menü ve Navigasyon: Sol menü, arama filtreleri ve kullanıcı girişine bağlı menü özellikleri. • Listeleme Ekranları: Arama kutusu, filtreleme, sıralama ikonları, çoklu seçim desteği, renkli kategori bilgileri, dışa aktarma seçenekleri (PDF/Excel). • Yeni Veri Ekleme Ekranı: Üst sabit butonlar, uygun input bileşenleri, validation işlemleri. • Bilgi Ekranı: Üst sabit başlıklar, detay geçmişi, işlem butonları (silme, arşivleme vb.). • Düzenleme Ekranı: Bilgi ekranıyla aynı tasarım, ancak düzenlenebilir alanlar. • Onay Pop-up Ekranları: Silme ve kritik işlemler için. • E-posta Şablo...
...). Therefore, I need an admin panel to manually update the active domain names. Without this, the system would become obsolete once the domains change. 2. System Similarity: The system should be inspired by platforms like Oddsmath and Betburger. Developers can review these platforms to better understand the concept. 3. Project Updates: I expect regular updates on the development process and access to test versions of the system to ensure everything works as expected. 4. Confidentiality: This project is strictly confidential. No third-party sharing of system details, source code, or data is allowed....
...user-friendly interfaces that provide an exceptional user experience. The ideal candidate should have a strong understanding of frontend development technologies and frameworks such as React Native, Flutter, or Xamarin. Key Responsibilities: - Collaborate closely with our UI/UX designer to refine and finalize the high-fidelity wireframes, which have been initially drafted in Figma. This iterative process is crucial for aligning the design with our vision for a user-friendly and engaging experience. - Develop the frontend of the mobile app by using a cross-platform development framework to ensure the app is compatible with both Android and iOS devices. React Native or Flutter are preferred. - Collaborate with the backend team to ensure seamless integration. The frontend will comm...
...experience in payment systems and third-party integrations and can communicate between different applications using AIDL. The development period and live delivery of the project will be completed in 1 week in total. Project Scope: 1. Application Opening and Login Procedures: • The application will start with a splash screen and then connect to the backend server and log in. • After the login process, the necessary parameters will be downloaded and the main screen will be directed. 2. MQTT Client Integration: • The application will connect to an MQTT Broker server using the MQTT Client and listen for commands from third-party systems here. • It will open the relevant pages (payment or cancellation page) according to the “Payment” and “Canc...
...user-friendly interfaces that provide an exceptional user experience. The ideal candidate should have a strong understanding of frontend development technologies and frameworks such as React Native, Flutter, or Xamarin. Key Responsibilities: - Collaborate closely with our UI/UX designer to refine and finalize the high-fidelity wireframes, which have been initially drafted in Figma. This iterative process is crucial for aligning the design with our vision for a user-friendly and engaging experience. - Develop the frontend of the mobile app by using a cross-platform development framework to ensure the app is compatible with both Android and iOS devices. React Native or Flutter are preferred. - Collaborate with the backend team to ensure seamless integration. The frontend will comm...
3D Model and Block Photograph Acquisition: A 3D model is created for each phone model. (For instance, provided by us in jpg or png format within specific size ranges.) Block photographs are taken using these models. Mockup Creation: Mockups are created in Photos...block photograph is dragged onto the page, the mockup is automatically generated. Macros are recorded to save outputs in the desired format, labeled according to each model. Addition and Updates of New Models: When new phone models are introduced, the 3D models are provided and block photographs are taken. The Photoshop page is updated to include the new models. This workflow guides through the process starting from 3D model creation to mockup generation in Photoshop with automation, ensuring a seamless integration of n...
Hello, I'm doing dropshipping lingeries mostly on Etsy and planning to improve this business model. I would like you to place the photos I will send on a model using applications such as Photoshop, AI, or Bl...and planning to improve this business model. I would like you to place the photos I will send on a model using applications such as Photoshop, AI, or Blender. The model doesn't necessarily have to be a person; it can be any object (hanger, lifeless mannequin, or a surface) as long as it stands professionally. I offer a starting price of $0.70 per photo, with an increasing salary offer as the process progresses. I will need approximately 100 photos initially. Once the correct texture is applied, most of them will be similar. Feel free to suggest a price for the job ...
... 1. Size tahsis edilmiş veri setini, tanımlanmış sınıflandırma problemini çözmek için Training, Validation ve Test olmak üzere üçe ayırın. 2. İlk olarak “common sense baseline” denilen ve tasarladığınız modelin yenmesi gereken ve basit bir mantıkla üretilen minimum başarı oranını belirleyin ve açıklayın. 3. Keras ortamında kendinize ait bir Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) modeli tasarlayın. 4. komutuyla modelinizdeki katmanların çıktısını görüntüleyin. 5. Modeli eğitin ve eğitim sırasında Training Loss ve Validation Loss grafiğini ve Training Accuracy ve Validation Accuracy grafiğini çizdirin. Bu grafikten overfitting durumunun kaç epochta başladığını tespit edin. 6. ...
Uzun yılların verdiği tecrübe ile progesif ve tandem kalıp dizaynı process dizaynı ürün analizi gibi konuları işleyebilirim tekliflerinizi bekliyorum
Merhaba Songül Hocam, bir matlab image process taskı için yardıma ihtiyacım var. 5 aşamadan oluşan giriş seviyesinde. Konuyu taskı anlayarak ilerletmek istiyorum. Eğer ilgilenirseniz detay PDF'ini iletebilirim. Saygılarımla, Muzaffer Can
...yaparım ve Youtube dan gelir elde edene kadar video başına xxxx TL talep ederim. Şeklinde taleplerle dönünüz lütfen. We will move abroad in February and we will open a YouTube channel, as every foreigner does. I have already started shooting videos that we will publish in the future. We will shoot all the videos and send them online. I need a video editor/designer to edit these videos. The process will be long because we plan to publish videos on average every week and to generate income from the videos we publish after reaching a certain number of subscribers in the future. My plan is affiliate marketing. In the first place, I can provide financial support as we will not be able to reach a certain number of subscribers immediately. But the expectation sh...
...with 79 dots and 38 pawns, candycrush-like, checkers-like, unique, single player and 3 difficulty levels against the computer, with a 2D interface. Project content: UI and Assets are ready. Everything about the mechanics of the game is clear. Apart from this, animation, sound, coding, publishing, en-tr language option, testing if necessary, adding advertisements, monitoring and finalizing the process belong to the seller. Wishes: - Special skills should come with the accumulated combo points and can be used during the game. - At the end of the game, the total score should be calculated from data such as time, number of combos, abilities used, number of moves, etc. - Leveling up, reward system, etc. with the total score calculated. it would be nice. - There may be multiplayer in...
Içerisinde train test ve validation için toplamda 62822 tane video frame olan bir dosyayi şimdilik sadece test görüntülerini hazır train ekşimiş modeller ile frame içerisinde bulunan yayaların tespiti yapılıp, tespit edilen yayaların bilgilerini text dosyasına kaydedip precision recall grafiğini de yapabilecek birisi lazım
Java war dosyasını maven projesine dönüştürülmesi gerekiyor. Sistem web tabanlı. İşlem için uzak bağlantı ile bilgisayarıma bağlanıp eclipse üzerinden yapılması gerekmekte. Bilen için 5-10 dk'lık bir işlem. Java war file needs to be converted to maven project. The system is web based. For the process, it has to be connected to my computer with a remote connection and done via eclipse. It takes 5-10 minutes for those who know.
Herkese merhabalar, ekte yer alan projenin içinde hali hazırda gereken tüm bilgiler verilmiştir. 26.05.2020 tarihine kadar yapılması gerekmektedir. Proje tamamen ingilizce yapılmalıdır ve bahsi geçen şirketin lokasyonu İzmir/Türkiye olmalıdır. Şirket, cafe - restoran veya bir franchising olabilir. Projenin yapılış süresinde irtibat halinde kalmak...kalmak ve günlük ilerleme raporu vermek zorunludur. Zaman ayırdığınız için teşekkürler. Hello everyone, all the details about the project are attached to the file below. The due day is 26.05.2020. Project must be done in English. The company must be located in İzmir/Turkey. The business can be cafe, restaurant or any franchising, you got the point. Keeping in touch with me and reporting the dai...
...tweet url ni yazarak ......rt .....fav .....yorum attırabilecegiz Not : hesaplar kesinlikle kullanıcıadı:şifre:mail&telefon şeklinde programa -girmeli ve proxy destegi mutlaka olmalı programa ister proxyli ister proxysiz hesap ekleyebilmeliyiz. 1 eye of porgram rt - fav - commenting accounts will be loaded 2 eyes of the program will be uploaded only tweeting accounts We will say that we will process in 2 eyes ...... ...... sec. by txt file throw tweets respectively in 2 favorite accounts when tweeting will continue to throw tweets out of the txt file where delete the old tweet before the account in the 1st row throws the second tweet will have the option In the second eye of the program, in the accounts that will make rt fav comments ...... rt number ...... fav number .......
...design, wordpress ve amp konularında bilgili olan, Seo odaklı çalışabilecek. We are looking for friends who care about business discipline and getting the job done on time. You can get pretty good earnings in the long term. If you think you are suitable for this job, you can reach us by sending a message showing the works, references or projects with a short motivation letter. we plan to end the process in a short time. We'd love to see your CVs, your motivational writing and what you do. Mastering PHP, javascript, jquery programming languages, Experienced in Mysql database, Experienced in XML, JSON web services issues, Knowledgeable about html5, css3, responsive design, Wordpress and amp, Be able to work with an SEO focus....
We need experienced friends who can make corrections and add-ons on existing code in our Delphi projects. As the developments will include debugging and improvement in the existing codes, regular and frequent interviews and regular communication are expected. The agreement will be made for three months and will be extended within three-month periods according to the progressive process. We ask that you make your offers accordingly. Delphi projelerimizde mevcut kodlar üzerinde düzeltme ve ilaveler yapabilecek, tecrübeli arkadaşlara ihtiyacımız var. TURKISH VERSION: Geliştirmeler mevcut kodlarda hata ayıklama ve ilaveleri kapsayacağından dolayı düzenli ve sık periyotlarla görüşmeler yapılması ve devamlı iletişimde olunması ön gö...
Turkish Version : PSD'si çizilmiş 21 sayfa temanın HTML, CSS ve JS döküm işlemi yaptırılacaktır, Tasarım'da bootstrap responsive istenmiyor proje ile ilgili görselleri özelden göstereceğim. Tekliflerinizi bekliyorum... English Version : PSD theme, drawn 21 pages in HTML, CSS and JS casting process will be done, you can not be asked to bootstrap responsive design will show the specific images related to the project. Waiting for your offer ...
ESP8266 chip into the software will be embedded. TCP will establish socket connection, the sensor will send information, according to the command to process.
Handrail & Balustrade Fabr...hits per month. We wish to transition to supply and delivery of handrail and balustrade componentry via a shopping cart. We are in the process of updating our website and have commissioned our website designer. We have the approval of supplier companies to use their products and catalogues to start a profile of products suitable for distribution, further we have our own custom fabricated products to add to this portfolio. We have a staff member whom is going on maternity leave very shortly. She has been working through, in conjunction with our website designer, the functionality and structure of the website shopping cart. We wish to continue this process which includes uploading of pricing, pictures, videos (yet to be filmed) postage and de...
Handrail & Balustrade Fabr...hits per month. We wish to transition to supply and delivery of handrail and balustrade componentry via a shopping cart. We are in the process of updating our website and have commissioned our website designer. We have the approval of supplier companies to use their products and catalogues to start a profile of products suitable for distribution, further we have our own custom fabricated products to add to this portfolio. We have a staff member whom is going on maternity leave very shortly. She has been working through, in conjunction with our website designer, the functionality and structure of the website shopping cart. We wish to continue this process which includes uploading of pricing, pictures, videos (yet to be filmed) postage and de...
Merhaba, Moeva markasında marketing sorumlusuyum. Affiliate network entegrasyon sürecinde desteğe ihtiyacımız var. Yardımcı olmak istersen bana ulaşabilirsin. Aşağıda kısaca özet verdim; CJ diye bir site var, burası da affiliate network sitesi, içerisinde bir sürü affiliate yapan siteler var. Bu affiliate yapan siteler ürün takibi, entegrasyon vs süreçlerle uğraşmak istemediğinden bu CJ'ye üye oluyorlar. Yani süreçlerden CJ sorumlu. Buraya üye olduktan sonra direk affiliate yapan sitelerle iletişime geçeceğim, ve onlarla ayrı olarak fiyat konusunda vs. anlaşacağım. YAPILMASI GEREKENLER CJ sistem entegrasyonu ; 1-) Tracking code integration, adam hazır scripti attı, bunun confirmation pag...
Merhaba, Moeva markasında marketing sorumlusuyum. Affiliate network entegrasyon sürecinde desteğe ihtiyacımız var. Yardımcı olmak istersen bana ulaşabilirsin. Aşağıda kısaca özet verdim; CJ diye bir site var, burası da affiliate network sitesi, içerisinde bir sürü affiliate yapan siteler var. Bu affiliate yapan siteler ürün takibi, entegrasyon vs süreçlerle uğraşmak istemediğinden bu CJ'ye üye oluyorlar. Yani süreçlerden CJ sorumlu. Buraya üye olduktan sonra direk affiliate yapan sitelerle iletişime geçeceğim, ve onlarla ayrı olarak fiyat konusunda vs. anlaşacağım. YAPILMASI GEREKENLER CJ sistem entegrasyonu ; 1-) Tracking code integration, adam hazır scripti attı, bunun confirmation pag...
windows un hibarnatesini herkez bilir, işletim sistemi ramı diske yazar, enerjiyi keser, açılışında tersini yapar, bu olayı uygulama için istiyoruz, yani kısaca bir programı kapatıp diske yazmayı, (mümkünse uygulamanın checkpoint lerini oluşturalım) ve örneğin 10gün sonra tekrar tıpkı hibernate gibi uygulamalayı tekrar başlatabilmeyi istiyoruz, kesin olarak uygulama kapanmalı process listte görünmemeli, ve uygulama sıfırdan çalıştırılmamalı. windows hibernatesini, uygulama bazında ve check point lerinden istenen yüklenecek çekilde kaynak kodu ile birlikde istemekdeyiz. yazılan kod tüm uygulamalar için sağlıklı çalışmalıdır.
i want CCcam Control Panel be created like Otomatik Üye kapatma (Clients End Date and Auto Close) Sınırsız Üye ekleme (Add clients Unlimited) Otomatik Mail Gönderme (Automatic E-Mail Delivery) MultiCCcam Bağlantısı (Managing all the servers from a single point) Dynamic Ip Update Otomatik Resetleme (Auto Restart) CCcam İşlem Kontrolu (CCcam Process Control) Sms Desteği (Sms Support) Özel Paketler (Private Packages) Api Desteği (Api Support) Bayi Girişi (CCcam Reseller) Yedekleme (Backup) Otomatik Banlama (Auto Ban)
I'm seeking a skilled graphic designer to convert our actual photos into medium detail technical illustrations, as closely aligned with a provided example as possible. - Existing Photos: Currently, I have 26 pictures, with the potential for more in the future. - Software: I am open to either Photoshop or Illustrator. - Quotation: I would appreciate a per-picture quote, so that we can main...need just the product Ideal Skills: Proficiency in Photoshop and/or Illustrator (but Illustrator preferred), strong technical illustration skills, ability to work to a specific style and level of detail. If possible, please send me back a completed picture according to the style, even watermarked, just to show the level of quality you would like to give. This will be preferential in the hiring...
I'm in the process of launching a new software enterprise and I need a dedicated digital lead generation team. Key Responsibilities: - Generate leads primarily through Social Media, Email Marketing, and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - Identify potential clients for software services - Develop and execute effective strategies for lead generation Ideal Candidates: - Proven experience in digital lead generation, particularly for software projects - Proficiency in Social Media, Email Marketing, and SEO - Excellent communication and strategy development skills - Experience working with startups will be a plus
I need a comprehensive mobile website speed test. Requirements: - Use a mobile device (either iOS or Android) - Access the URL: to confirm your location - Visit - Navigate to and wait for the website to fully load - Screen record the entire process - Include both the method used for measuring loading speed and the results - Provide a summary of your findings Skills & Experience: - Proficiency in using mobile devices for internet speed testing - Experience with screen recording software - Ability to write succinct summaries - Understanding of website loading speed metrics
We are seeking a qualified lawyer to assist in checking ...Requirements: Licensed lawyer with experience in immigration, administrative law, or related legal procedures in Croatia. Familiarity with the Temporary Stay for Digital Nomads application process. Strong communication and negotiation skills to liaise with authorities. Ability to work independently, represent client interests, and provide strategic legal insights. Based in Zagreb or available to travel for in-person follow-ups. The application was submitted on September 26, 2024, and is still awaiting a decision. We require a diligent and detail-oriented legal professional who can proactively follow up and help move the process forward. Interested candidates should provide their credentials and availability for an in...
As a Mexican-based business receiving subscription fees from the Play Store and App Store, I need expert guidance on completing the W-8BEN form. This is my...a Mexican-based business receiving subscription fees from the Play Store and App Store, I need expert guidance on completing the W-8BEN form. This is my organization's first time filling this form, and I want to ensure compliance with both US tax regulations and those applicable to Mexico. Key Requirements: - Extensive knowledge of tax regulations in Mexico - Familiarity with the W-8BEN form process - Experience working with Mexican organizations - Understanding of the Play Store and App Store payment processes Your expertise will help me navigate this complex task, ensuring that I accurately classify my organization fo...
I'm seeking an expert to integrate Gemini with Vertex AI with the primary objective of enhancing our machine learning models, specifically classification models. We will deploy this in our current site that is about digital transformation of our business process, that relates to authenticating market acceptance of internet of things products in the marketplace. The focus will be on utilizing image and video data for these models. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in AI and machine learning, with a focus on classification models. - Extensive experience working with image data. - Strong understanding of Gemini and Vertex AI platforms. - Ability to optimize and improve machine learning models.
I'm looking for a professional who can help me transfer a large amount of emails from my Outlook to the Thunderbird on my new computer. In addition to the emails, I also need to transfer my calendar entries. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in both Outlook and Thunderbird - Experience with data transfer between email clients - Attention to detail to ensu...Thunderbird on my new computer. In addition to the emails, I also need to transfer my calendar entries. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in both Outlook and Thunderbird - Experience with data transfer between email clients - Attention to detail to ensure all data is accurately transferred - Ability to maintain the integrity of the calendar entries during the transfer ...
...catalogue and developing the initial prototype. This could take the form of a PDF guide featuring visuals and diagrams, paired with a database of 3d models organized by criteria such as function, dimensions, materials, or another system you propose. The structure, output, and approach will be up to you to determine. This project has been ongoing for nearly a year, and through leading the design process and conducting several co-design workshops, we have stockpiled a collection of various 3d models. Currently, the 3d models are stored on OneDrive and divided into two main folders: one containing architectural components ("BuildingElements"), and one containing landscape design components ("LandscapeElements"): ElementsCatalogue The subfolders are organized ...
I'm looking for a professional to assist with uploading over 201 physical products onto my e-commerce website via the Admin Panel. Key Responsibilities: - Uploading physical goods accurately onto the website - Creating product categories as per requirement - Ensuring data integrity and consistency throughout the upload process Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience with product uploads on e-commerce platforms - Familiarity with Admin Panels and product categorization - Detail-oriented with a strong focus on data accuracy
...excel so far (multiple linear and polynomial regression, Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm). The model is currently working with numerical data and I'm primarily focused on improving its accuracy. The regression model uses 7 independent variables to predict a interim target variable that is then used as an input variable to calculate the final target variable. The calculation of the latter is complex process that utilizes roughly 160 input variables, constants and intermediate calculations thereof. Key Responsibilities: - Analyze the existing model and its predictions. - Implement optimization techniques to enhance model performance. - Conduct tests to ensure improvements in accuracy. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in working with numerical data. - Extensive experience with regr...
I own a Changan Qiyuan A05 that requires an activation code. I...an account on the Changan app using a Chinese phone number and adding my car to this account. - Both solutions needed: Activation code retrieval and account creation on the Changan app. - I do not have any account details or a Chinese phone number, so part of the task will involve sourcing these. - I'm not currently encountering any specific error messages; I simply need assistance with the process. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Experience with Changan car software and activation processes. - Ability to source a Chinese phone number and create an account on the Changan app. - Problem-solving skills and understanding of car activation procedures. Budget will be discussed based on the pro...
...options, conference and event spaces, and our unique capability as a one-stop solution for all wedding and corporate event needs must be prominently featured. - Detailing our event spaces: Potential clients need comprehensive information about our event spaces. This includes capacity and layout options, catering services provided, and booking and availability details. - Streamlining the booking process: I want to improve customer experience by adding real-time availability and pricing to our website. - Testimonial section needs to be added along with backlinks of Google reviews and other OTA platforms. List of Top Clients to be added. - Also i want to increase traffic in website so that more bookings are done through our website so that we can be saved from paying heavy commissi...
...social media clips (e.g., 10-second Instagram stories) as well as longer reels (up to 3 minutes) that highlight our process, quality, and passion for fine food. The videos should be luxurious and clean, showcasing the finesse and care in food handling, preparation, and presentation, to reflect the high standards of our family-owned delicatessen. The style should combine modern editing techniques with an artisanal touch, using close-up shots, smooth transitions, and engaging pacing to emphasize the professionalism and dedication of our chefs. Enhance the raw footage with refined color grading and polished edits to capture the luxury and care in every step of our culinary process, all while maintaining a friendly and approachable tone. The primary narrative should detail ...
I require a skilled Excel expert to automate and merge my separate billing and inventory files into one comprehensive system. This system should effectively combine and streamline both billing and inventory data. Key Responsibilities: - Automate the process of merging data from separate billing and inventory Excel files. - Ensure the combined data includes product details, quantities and prices. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Advanced proficiency in Excel, including experience with macros and complex formulas. - Prior experience in automating billing and inventory processes. - Strong attention to detail to ensure accurate data merging.
Project Overview: I'm in the process of taking over an existing PC-based strategy game project, heavily inspired by XCOM 2, using Unreal Engine 5. I'm looking for a skilled developer who can seamlessly continue and enhance this vision. Key Responsibilities: Integrating and expanding upon the existing game design document to create a fully functional PC game. Implementing engaging gameplay mechanics and systems characteristic of the strategy and tactical RPG genres. Ensuring the game aligns with the goals and style of XCOM 2. Ideal Skills: Proficiency in Unreal Engine 5, with a portfolio demonstrating experience in game development. Previous work on strategy or tactical role-playing games, preferably with experience in games similar to XCOM 2. Strong understanding o...
...preferred. • In-app messaging & notifications system for collaborations. • Admin dashboard for content moderation & payment tracking. What We Expect From Applicants: • Must provide a portfolio showcasing past work in music, social networking, or live-streaming apps. • Demos or live links of past projects are required. • Estimated timeline for completing the MVP. • Breakdown of your development process & tech stack. • Cost estimate (must be within our budget range). • Applicants who have never worked on a music app, social platform, or live-streaming app will not be considered. How to Apply: Submit your application with “MUSIC APP MVP” in the subject line and include: 1. A brief introduction of your experi...
website speed issue resolution and captcha process
I'm in need of a diagram created in yEd and a corresponding report. The diagram will primarily be used for process mapping, so experience with flowcharts is crucial. The specific type of diagram to be created in yEd is still to be determined, so some familiarity with a range of diagram types would be beneficial. Key Requirements: - Proficient in using yEd for diagram creation - Experience with flowchart creation for process mapping - Excellent report writing skills - Ability to work with a range of diagram types - Familiarity with different types of symbols and notations Please note, if you're not familiar with yEd, do not submit a bid.
I urgently need an integration expert to connect Twilio with my Jotform. This will be used to verify customer mobile numbers via an OTP sent through SMS. Requirements: - Integration of Twilio with Jotform - Setup of OTP system for mobile validation - Ensuring the system is functional by tomorrow Please note, the ideal freelancer for this project should have extensive experience with Jotform, Twilio and GoDaddy. I have an existing Twilio account and I prefer the usage of that. If you have access to a similar system, please let me know.
I'm looking for a talented designer with a solid background in SketchUp for product design. The project is in the concept stage so your role will primarily involve 3D modeling and applying textures and materials. Key aspects of the role: - Conceptualizing and creating detailed 3D models of the product - Skillfully applying textures and materials to enhance the design - Collaborating wi...enhance the design - Collaborating with me to refine the design Ideal candidates will have: - Proven experience in product design using SketchUp - Strong skills in 3D modeling - Ability to work with textures and materials - Excellent communication skills for collaboration The ultimate goal is to develop a compelling and feasible product design that can be taken to the next stage in the development ...
...documentation on how to use and maintain the system. To Apply: Please submit your proposal including: Your experience with Google Reviews API and Google Sheets API integration. Examples of previous automation projects. Your proposed approach to this project. Your estimated timeline and budget. We are eager to find a reliable and skilled freelancer to help us streamline our review management process and enhance our online reputation....
Dear Saul, Thank you for considering my services. As per your request, I am submitting this quote for two hours of work, which will be applied toward our interview today. This quote covers the time spent discussing your project requirements, understanding your expectations, and assessing how my skills align with your needs. It ensures a productive and thorough interview process, allowing us to explore how I can contribute effectively to your business. Details of the Quote: Service: Pre-paid interview time allocation Duration: 2 hours Rate: $5 per hour Total Amount: $10 Scope: - Attending the interview session - Discussing project expectations and workflow - Addressing any queries or requirements related to the role Please let me know if you need any modifications. I loo...
...seeking a professional with expertise in IB Design Technology, specifically in Product Design and Design Technology. The primary goal of this project is to assist in the conceptualization and planning of a new product design for my IB Design Technology Internal Assessment (IA). Key Responsibilities: - Collaborate with me to brainstorm and develop a unique product idea. - Guide me through the design process, ensuring it meets IB standards. - Provide insights on practical aspects of product design, such as usability, manufacturability, and cost-effectiveness. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong background in Product Design and Design Technology. - Experience with IB Design Technology curriculum and assessments. - Excellent communication skills for effective collaboration. - Cre...
Here are simple tips that might help you cope with the challenges of creating your website.