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$12 USD / Saat
India (2:09 ÖÖ)
Eylül 3, 2004 tarihinde katıldı
$12 USD / Saat
Adore Informatics Pvt. Ltd. INDEX 1.0 Company Profile 3 1.1 Adore Set Up 3 2.0 Adore Team 4 3.0 Adore Services 4 3.1 Communication Software 4 3.2 Corporate Messaging 5 3.3 Project Management and Consultancy 5 3.4 Internet / Intranet Integration 5 3.5 Application Services 5 3.6 Design and Development 5 4.0 Industries: 6 5.0 Adore Products 6 5.1 Clickyoursite 6 5.2 [login to view URL] 6 5.3 Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 7 5.4 Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) 8 5.5 Biometrics Products 8 5.5.1 eTime 8 5.5.2 Secu – Data . 9 5.5.3 Secu-Data 2000 9 5.6 Multi Level Channel System 10 5.7 Shopping Cart Application (E-Shoppe) 10 6.0 BPO 11 6.0 Projects on Hands 12 7.0 Adore Philosophy 12 1.0 Company Profile Adore Informatics Pvt. Ltd. is committed to innovative cutting-edge I.T. solutions. Managed by young professional having varied experience, it is a focused group of technocrats whose primary objective is to provide high quality appropriate technology solutions at competitive price. Adore is proactively working on emerging technologies to provide the “right” solutions to meet your current, as well as future business needs of today and tomorrow. Adore emphasizes a strong belief in people, entrepreneurship, customer orientation, and the pursuit of excellence. This has resulted in the creation of an internal culture where new ideas are constantly nurtured and acted upon, and new competencies developed, enabling Adore to provide services right across the I.T. value chain. Adore ideas and products have resulted in technology-intensive transformations that have met the most stringent of quality standards, which add values to your existing business at competitive rates. Adore believes in • A client needs viz. profile, activities. • Client’s objective & vision, target audience, competitors, and market segment. • Commitment. • Dedication. • Excellence. 1.1 Adore Set Up Adore is spread in 4000 Sq. Ft. area with ample manpower and latest technology. It has enough space for development, administration, marketing, conference and waiting foyer with own pantry. Currently, 63 persons are working with Adore in different principal. Adore has built a talented team of highly qualified software engineers, web developers with a wealth of real world experience working with latest technology. All PC’s are Pentium IV, connected internally with networking system. It is also streamed with Internet for 24 hrs. Maintaining Firewall security. Every person on every PC’ has restricted rights to access local network as well as Internet. • State-of-the-art technology A dedicated team is always working on emerging technologies and tools, to make sure that your business solutions are never out-of-date. Team also suggests better technologies and tools for the on-going I.T. implementations. • Innovation Our innovation comes through a constant technology watch group. We strive to achieve the new concepts, with the help of experts from different areas to deploy emerging technologies to work. • Value addition Our dynamic team is driven to deliver highly productive solution for adding values to your existing business. • Dual Advantage Backed by a strong industrial group and being a focused group, we offer dual advantage: Stability and Strength of a large business company and flexibility and responsiveness of dedicated professionals. 2.0 Adore Team Adore’s team is techno commercial who understand the need of the market. Having experience of more then 8 years in total we are ready for any technical work with spirit and confidence. They have developed core skills in the following areas: • Internet / Intranet: Java Script, CGI, PERL, PHP, JSP / ASP • RDBMS: Oracle, MS SQL Server, MS Access • Front End: Power Builder, Oracle Forms, Oracle Reports, Crystal Report, VB • GUI: Windows, Java AWT / Swings • Languages: Java, Visual basic, Delphi, C #, .Net • Operating System: Windows 95/98/ME/2000, Win NT 4.0/2k/ XP, Linux • Distributed Computing: CORBA, COM-DCOM, RMI, EJB • Component Technology: Active X, Java Beans • Web Server: Apache, IIS, Java Web Server, Web logic • Data Publishing System: XML using cocoon and WAP • Presentation System: Director, Flash 3.0 Adore Services 3.1 Communication Software Communication has given humans the opportunity to be able to do more, and faster. However the ever changing and dynamic nature of the Internet also brings along with it the complexities due to the sheer speed of changes. Adore has developed a VoiceData model internally, which communicate voice and data from one PC to another PC, communication between 4-5 people simultaneously. Another model of Adore is Cell Messaging model, which passes messages from his or her email account to cell user. User can also have multi source of data and E-mail, mail accessibility, control and more memory and profile storage on his handset. 3.2 Corporate Messaging With today's office working environment, communication between staffs is very important. However, more often than not, it is quite difficult to have everyone in the office at the same time. Leaving notes on pieces of paper are thing of a past! Also, these papers tend to get lost! Even when you or your staff travels overseas (or at other locations other than your office), you would still be able to send him/her messages (or emails), you could even send him the necessary spreadsheets, documents etc! Think about that! Implementing corporate messaging could be cheaper than you thought. And once you start using it, you will realize that you cannot live without it anymore! 3.3 Project Management and Consultancy We develop system application, which integrate bottom level and top-level in a stream model like ERP, CRM, Workflow Management, and Sales Management, Task Management etc. to leverage your resources. This will work out as turn key development, implementation and training at every level. We could also work as a Project Consultant to understand and analyze the concept or requirement for any development work. Keeping in mind your working model we could also suggest appropriate emerging technology solution of hardware, networking and software products to bridge your requirement and goal. 3.4 Internet / Intranet Integration Adore offers a complete solution for your organization's networking needs. Our network expertise has hands-on knowledge of a broad range of operating systems, hardware, and software. We can design, plan, and implement a networking solution to integrate whole organization. The V.P.N. and I.P.N. provide a transparent and powerful tool for your business model, which integrate day to day workflow and communicates thru this system 3.5 Application Services Adore brings road-tested experience to every project. We undertake and build powerful e-business application like F.A.S., Data management, Inventory management, Sales Management, Finance Management, and Production Management etc. that are specifically tailored to empower business to improve the bottom line. 3.6 Design and Development Adore develop websites for the small office business right up to major corporations. Adore teams work closely with the client company to work on a prototype, design, and development plan to meet all project specifications from B2C, B2E, B2B applications to online stores, e-portals, and catalogue aggregation and e-procurement systems. Not only, web design and development Adore also offers Multimedia Presentation, Logo Design, Icon Design, Brochure and Advertisement material designs etc. 4.0 Industries: During the tenure, Adore has been worked with following industries: • Automobile • Educational Institutes • Finance • Government • Gas Station • Hospitality • Insurance • Manufacturing • Media & Entertainment • Retail • Software Products • Travel and Transportation • Tourism, Hotel 5.0 Adore Products 5.1 Clickyoursite With a sharp growth in the Internet industry the web options available and the hurdles to be faced by any would-be website owner have increased manifolds. The Clickyoursite (CYS) software offers a comprehensive solution, specifically aimed for the web designing and the site management, and hence minimizes the hassles of cyberspace to almost zero in the current melee. It is the culmination of an in-depth research and understanding of the various trends and needs of today’s Internet fraternity-the Net users and the website owners, both. Click your site is Your own web address ([login to view URL]) with instant hosting, 3 POP email ids () with unlimited aliasing and forwarding. CYS is a breakthrough in to the unimaginable expanse of the cyber space and that too at the expense of few clicks only. 5.2 [login to view URL] [login to view URL]'s web-based email relegates the ordinary email services to the virtual Stone Age. It is accessible literally from any Internet connection [login to view URL]'s web-based email service offers features and convenience that is needed to stay in touch with the e-millennium. One of the most enjoyable benefits of a [login to view URL] account is that it’s people-friendly interface. Everything is placed right where you'd expect it to be and the screen is not cluttered with lots of unnecessary items. Just what you need to read and send email and use the other services and features. Key Features of [login to view URL] The [login to view URL] offers the following 1) Web email 2) Contacts 3) Address Book 4) Calendar 5) Folder Management 6) Group Mailing 7) File Storage 8) Mail Distribution System 5.3 Customer Relationship Management (CRM) CRM is a management approach or model that puts the customer at the core of a company's processes and practices. CRM leverages cutting-edge technology integrated strategic planning, up close and personal marketing techniques and organizational development tools to build internal and external relationships that increase profit margins and productivity within a company. Benefits of CRM Cost Savings: Internal process improvements – More efficient, automated order handling, for Example, lower sales cycle time, creates less rework, and improves the bottom line. Service center efficiencies – If transactions or problem resolutions are quicker, you need fewer headcount to handle them. Marketing campaign-expense reduction – Better targeting of customers leads to less Advertising promotion waste, lower campaign Volumes, lower expense to revenue ratios. Revenue Increases: Salesperson efficiencies – Give the sales force tools to call more customers in an hour, with better information, where the ball doesn’t get dropped and where customers get serviced all but guarantees increased sales revenues per representative Increased order size – Larger order size results from having the right tools that Present cross-sell and up-sell opportunities at the sales or order person’s fingertips during sales call opportunities. Customer Profitability – Increase customer profitability by moving better customers up to higher value levels. Campaign response improvement – Better responses to more targeted marketing campaigns increases the call-per-order ratio and the bottom line. Adore’s Customer Relationship Management solutions help you anticipate customers needs and demands quickly, helping you translate them into products, new features or improved service. 5.4 Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) ERP is an outcome of 40 years of trial and error. It has evolved as a strategic tool because of continuous improvement in the available techniques to manage business and the fast growth of information technology. In today's dynamic and turbulent business environment, there is a strong need for the organizations to become globally competitive. The survival guide to competitiveness is to be closer to the customer and deliver value added product and services in the shortest possible time. This, in turn, demands integration of business processes of an enterprise. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is such a strategic tool, which helps the company to gain competitive edge by integrating all business processes and optimizing the resources available. ERP is a bundle of all the integrated processes any business enterprise has to carry out. How does an ERP system make it happen? The essence of it is the fundamental premise that the whole being greater than the sum of its parts. The traditional application systems, which the organizations generally employ, treat each transaction separately. They are built around the strong boundaries of specific functions that a specific application is meant to cater. For an ERP, it stops treating these transactions separately as stand-alone activities and considers them to be the part of the inter-linked processes that make up the business Adore ERP system can be called as the simulation of reality, as it simulates the necessary functions of the business and provides seamlessly integrated information at all the required places and in an appropriate form. It helps the enterprise link its resources, utilize and allocate them in the best possible manner and control them on a real time basis. It enables the enterprise to achieve world-class performance by streamlining its processes and optimizing the resources. 5.5 Biometrics Products 5.5.1 eTime Fingerprint-based identification solutions along with Time, Attendance and Payroll calculations. eTime lets you quickly and easily match your employees with work assignments. In no time, you'll be creating your schedules, recording attendance and summarizing billing and payroll information. Traditional means of identification using personal identification numbers (PINs) through passwords or security-access cards (smart cards) has a major drawback. They recognize the PIN but not the person who has provided it. Biometrics ensures that the individual trying to log on is actually the authorized person and not just someone who maliciously found a card or cracked a password. The beauty of eTime is that it is as unique as the individual from whom it was created. Unlike a password or PIN, a fingerprint trait cannot be lost, stolen, or recreated. How does it work? Fingerprint biometric devices consist of scanning device, software that converts the scanned information into digital form, and, wherever the data is to be analyzed, a database that stores the biometric data for comparison with entered biometric data. 5.5.2 Secu – Data Using Biometric technology this solution secures yours System & Data. It safe guards your information against unauthorized personals. 5.5.3 Secu-Data 2000 Is your Fingerprint Biometric security device for login on to the Network System. Secu-Data 2000 has made login to any Network System easy. A person now does not have to remember any passwords. How it Works Suppose a employee wants to logon to his computer which is secured by Secu-Data 2000. The employee has to go to the Server and click on the logon button, which pops up a biometric logon screen. The screen captures the employee's fingerprint with a finger scanner that has been installed on the Server. The biometric data is compressed, encrypted and sent to the biometric server over the Intranet, where the biometric data is matched against the employee's biometric registration. If the match is good, the biometric server sends back an encrypted session ID and then the employee's remote PC is booted. The whole communication process takes a few seconds. It is Adore's unique solution for Windows based Desktop, Laptop, and Network based PCs. Secu-Data 2000 is a security suite for Windows 2000, NT based Window technology. 5.6 Direct Sales Management System Today Direct Selling has spread its wings all over the world in every product and services. Looking to current scenario we have developed an offline as well as an online Direct Sales Management System which streamlines the channel and members down line with automatic effect to their accounting system. It has following features in general: It has been developed for Administrator to manage whole system offline. In addition to online system, The Administrator can also have different analytical reports and can also print the series of all the members’ commission payment, cheque, account wise transaction management, logistic management and summary Status of Company Tree, Advance Who Is, Voucher, Member Tree, Refer, Friend, Bulletin Board, Members Signup, Member ID management, Payout Management, Logistic Management, Incentive Plans for members / leaders, Company Tree etc. Key Features of DSMS software: © Generation of client ID and level © Automatic calculation of income © Intimation of no of clients. © Presentation of tree and subscribed members. © Back up and Restore to your database for security and safety purpose. 5.7 Shopping Cart Application (E-Shoppe) Shopping Cart has been designed for any kind of Internet shop. It has every major feature you would expect from an e-commerce solution and some unique features that can make your shop easier to implement. Shopping cart is composed of a number of Active Server Page (ASP) files. Active Server Pages consist of a mixture of normal HTML and program logic. The database is used to store product information, customer Information and orders and other information. Key Features of Shopping Cart Application: © Product Display Module © Administration Module © Order Status Module © Customer Service Center 6.0 BPO If you share the world opinion that India is the best destination to outsource from, we will prove it to you. We can become an extension to your office via the Internet. Your offshore project would seem to be happening right outside your cabin. We cater to you in a manner as to give you the convenience of in-house development. We are your offshore developers building parts of your web development projects, your data processing department, your testing and debugging center and your R&D division. All this at a pleasantly affordable price. Application Development : Software products play an important role in enabling businesses in achieving quick and cost effective process automation. A variety of products today exist in the market that cater to a wide gamut of work domains / activities, across industries However, the above fact does not undermine the value of a custom build application. While code reuse, pre-built component usage, phased development reduced the time lag between initiation and implementation of a custom solution. And refined software engineering processes, effective project management and quality standards have taken uncertainty and guess work out of the way of a successful implementation. Decision of going in for a custom solution vis-à-vis outright product usage can be a tough one though there are some definite situations where the choice is obvious: 1 Your business process is highly developed / matured and cannot be served with an off- the- shelf product which is based on generalized process. 2 Your business process or work domain is of a proprietary nature. 3 You have tried off-the-shelf product (s) and know that there are too many limitations to it. 4 Your need is very specific from day one and will evolve with time and usage. 5 You understand the virtues of a system based on open standards Web Based Development: The Internet acts both as a medium to disseminate information and has also been largely exploited as a communication, connectivity and convergence platform for enterprise systems, especially with the advent of the technologies like Java / EJB / RMI, .NET, XML / XSL, WAP / WML. We at Adore have specialized in utilizing these web technologies and open standards in web enabling your enterprise. Consulting: The process of providing solutions by its very nature demands that we first understand the need of our client, understand their processes, refine them and translate them into more efficient and intelligent systems. Therefore, it becomes inevitable that we act in an unbiased consulting capacity before trying to develop the solution. We have been providing consultancy to selected corporate in the field of e-business services development, back office process automation, technical operations etc. Adore is your partner for successful IT implementation, process refinement, e-business strategy planning and implementation, enabling knowledge management, back office integration and systems integration. 6.0 Projects on Hands Adore has built up in house capabilities to develop projects like: © Integrated Online Banking © Internet based Communication Software © Corporate Messenger © Corporate Interactivity © Corporate Task Manager © Trade Network System 7.0 Adore Philosophy Adore is committed to these key business concepts: © Operate at all times with the highest integrity. © Provide consistently high quality products. © Maintain a clear focus on customer needs and requirements. © Command a good price for a good value. © Manage company growth. © Share company success with all employees. The core of Adore is: © Quality products. © Strong customer relationship. © Prompt and effective customer service. © Production efficiency. © Committed, experienced management and staff. © We believe in full accountability We have an extensive commitment to development which is coupled to real responsiveness to customer feedback. We aim to make full use of technological advancements to insure that our customers receive the highest quality software products. We believe the key to success is to provide quality innovative software products, combined with a dedicated appreciation for customer feedback. Our long-term vision of truly enabling a global board gaming community continues to drive our development efforts as the world enters the next era of personal computing and information technology. Adore is going for quality certification ISO 9001:2000 in year 2004 and is committed to go for SEI-CMM level 3 in year 2005.
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