13 Ways To Develop The Right Search Marketing Campaign

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Search marketing is a powerful tool and can provide comprehensive results.

However, it’s important to learn how to develop the right search marketing campaign, or it will fall apart. Too many businesses venture into the world of search marketing assuming it will be a breeze and then get taken to the cleaners. Learn to analyze the market and determine what the best way forward is.

Here are some tips on how to develop a campaign that will generate organic leads for months to come.

1) Keyword Research Matters

It all starts with proper keyword research.

The keywords you are targeting will determine where your ad shows up and that is the crux of the campaign. If you are not choosing the right keywords, you are going to see mediocre results. It’s that simple. The goal of bringing in targeted leads is by understanding what they are searching.

Analyze the keywords in your niche and take a look at the potential options before you target them. This is how you are going to generate positive results.

2) Understand “Peak” Timing

When are you putting up your ads in front of people?

You want to make sure that ads are going up at the right time when people are searching for those terms. Google tends to tell you when the ad is being clicked which is essential information as you accumulate data. Take the time to turn off the ad when it is not getting activity and turn it back on when there is activity.

This is one of the easiest ways to generate a lot of traction in the niche and beat out competition that is looking to go after the same keywords.

3) Long Tail Keywords

The average business is going to rely on general keywords, and that is not what you have to do.

The goal is to make sure you are targeting long-tail keywords as those are the best for finding quality leads. People who take the time to search long tail keywords have a better interest in buying from you than someone searching general keywords. This method is also used in local search engine optimization campaigns and works very well. 

Until you do this, you are going to get generic traffic that isn’t targeted and might be a waste of money on your end. Take the time to analyze long tail keywords and find the right ones for your needs.

Long-Tail Keywords

4) Call To Action In Ad Copy

The call to action or CTA is going to matter a lot when it comes to your search marketing campaign.

The goal should be to include a robust call-to-action in the ad copy, so people want to click through. This is how you are going to generate positive leads that are ready to buy. If you are not telling people what to do online, they are never going to do it.

A lot of research has gone into testing this and call to actions work best.

5) Promote Your Brand

It is important to not look at the search marketing campaign as nothing more than a way to find unique keywords.

Instead, what you have to do is make sure the brand is being promoted along the way. Too many campaigns are built on the idea a prospective lead will type in their brand name, and the site will pop up. This isn’t always true, and it is smart to put up ads for your brand name too.

This is how you are going to eliminate the chances of no one finding your name when they search for it.

6) Remove Unrelated Keywords

Keep an eye out for unrelated keywords in your ad copy.

For example, let’s say you are a rental company that rents out cars. What is the point of paying to put up an ad in front of people who are wishing to buy a car? Is that the kind of market you are after? No, you are going to want people who are looking to rent a car, and that’s it.

So remove the word “buy” from the potential options that are in front of you. Keep it related to the products or services that you sell.

7) Use Your Geography

Where is your business located?

For example, if you are working out of New York, it might be appropriate to include this in the keywords you are targeted. If you are a car rental agency, you might want to go after keywords such as “car rental agency in New York” as that is going to narrow things down.

Most people who are searching for a business will be using the location key string. So, you want to take advantage of this with your search marketing campaign as soon as you can. It will bolster your results and generate organic leads.

8) Use Adwords Editor

You should be looking at all of the tools that are in front of you.

There are many of them and the best might be Adwords Editor by Google. The reason this is such a compelling tool has a lot to do with how it helps create your ads. You can mix and match them to gain traction and generate appropriate results immediately.

You are going to cut through a lot of the hurdles that come with such campaigns using Adwords Editor. Why not keep it on hand and maximize its potential to help you out?

9) Placement Targeted Campaigns

Always look to use placement targeted campaigns as they generate tremendous leads at a fast rate.

What is the idea of a placement targeted campaign and how is it going to help you?

The premise behind these campaigns is to go after spots on a website. You are going to put up an ad on a related site, and that is going to make it easier for people to relate with what you are selling. In the end, you want to get out in front of your target market, and this is the best way of doing so efficiently.

10) Picture-Perfect Landing Page

The next tip is to make sure your landing page is perfect.

If people take the time to click through on your ad and wish to see what you have to offer, it is vital to make sure they see real value. If not, you are going to despise the results, and they will click away in seconds. If you have done all the hard work, make sure the landing page is beautiful!

If necessary, learn to make changes to your landing page whether it has to do with images, videos, text, or anything else. It all matters when it comes to your search marketing campaign and generating meaningful leads.

Landing Page Layout

11) Consistent Optimization

Make sure you are taking the time to optimize each detail in the campaign.

This could be something as simple as the call to action in your ad copy or the landing page as a whole. Over time, you will be able to see what converts and what does not. This information is essential and is what you have to think about while setting up a local search engine marketing campaign.

Too many businesses assume the first ad copy they put up is going to bring in a burst of results, but that is hardly the case. You are rarely going to see adequate results that way.

12) Be Patient

Patience is key with any form of marketing.

Are you willing to take the time to stay patient or too eager to see results? This is a question people will have to ask themselves before committing to your businesses campaign. If you are too impatient, how are you going to see positive changes come about?

It is imperative to make sure you are staying as patient as you can be. The only way you can grow is by staying focused on your business and marketing goals.

13) Create Multiple Ads

Split test your ads to see what works.

If you want to see how things are progressing, it’s important to build multiple ads for your campaign. It’s a neat way to learn more about your target market and determine what works. It’s easy to put up one ad, but that might not provide enough data.

Take your time to create these ads.

Split Testing Ads

These are important tips to keep in mind as you are building a robust search marketing campaign to generate organic leads. A lot of information has to be processed for you to see top-tier results but the effort is worth it. Take your time to analyze each tip and incorporate it into your next campaign.

The change will be palpable, and that is what makes marketing online such a fun journey. It is one of the best ways to push your business to new heights in its niche without having to spend a lot.

İlan Edilmiş 16 Mart, 2018


Professional SEO Services

I run Thunderhawk which is a SEO marketing agency based outside of New Jersey. We work with local businesses to help them grow and reach their marketing needs with our proven SEO strategies that work.

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