Jango / Ubuntu expert needed

  • Durum: Closed
  • Ödül: €20
  • Alınan Girdiler: 4
  • Kazanan: samermassoud

Yarışma Özeti

Uploading images in production takes too much time. Image is being uploaded to S3. It takes for 12 images each 3 mb approx. 54 seconds. In development only a few micro seconds. I have tried two ways. Direct upload and reducing image size in browser with java script and decoding the byte data in django. Both resulting in the same duration of upload speed. I have observed that there is a delay of approx 45 seconds between the time i hit summit button and the start of post method.

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“Samir is very cooperative !!”

Profil Görüntüsü MesayTse, Germany.

Genel Açıklama Panosu

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