How to Make a Chum Bomb For BottomFishing

yapan writepal925
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described step-by-step how to make an inexpensive chum bomb almost a the spur of the moment from common materials. skill will be usable when bottom fishing.

image of username writepal925 Flag of Philippines Puerto Princesa City, Philippines


- studied AB Journalism at prestigious university in philippines - written and published numerous feature articles, short stories, bio blurbs, poems (English and Filipino) and others in campus, national, local and in-house publications, including single-handedly managing an in-house publication - written and passed simple feasibility studies, proposals and other studies for clients for bank loans and other purposes - been writing creative and technical works for more than thirty years, including tv/radio ads and video or powerpoint presentation scripts, for online and non-online clients - translates works from English to Tagalog/Filipino, and Tagalog/Filipino to English - can write in English, Filipino/Tagalog, Cuyunon and some Ilongo.

$8 USD/sa

43 yorum
